This is 'Cricket' suited up and headed out into the wilderness. We wished her luck, she thanked us for the ride and we headed back into Monson. It makes you feel good to help these kids accomplish their dream.
I wanted to stop at a road side veggie standwe saw earlier. So we did. It happened to be beside the house I wanted to photograph. I always wonder about abandoned houses. Why? Who? etc. This was at one time a proud farm home I am sure. We only bought squash and a Cucumber.
Thanks for coming this way.
Nite Shipslog
War does not Determine who is right, war determines who is Left.
The advantage of exercising every dayis so when you die, they'll say,
'Well, he looks good doesn't he.'
I am enjoying seeing all the hikers that you and
Sherry load up and take them to the trail or into town to get supplies. That must be fun
meeting so many different people. You have made
a career out of that and I know these hikers
really appreciate your generosity.
Going to Pete's Funeral tonight. Burial private tomorrow. I know there will be a crowd.
I will give Linda your love and prayers.
That abandon house is so big or it looks that way in the picture. Don't you know it has a story to tell?
I am chicken, I would be afraid to hike by myself. I'm sorry the veggie stand didn't have any toma....never mind...ha. Stay safe, Sheila
I just can not imagine the experiences you have had. The pictures are great and I love tagging along the easy way. Through your words and pictures.
Hi Jack and Sherry! Nice photos, and nice people you always meet. I love that red mushroom!
Still enoying your commentary of the AT!!!!!
Enjoying the pictures, you 2 take care!!!
Hard to believe it's almost "Labor Day"!!!!!
how come you got a deli sandwich and Sherry just got a plate? that doesn't seem quite right :)
as always, gorgeous pictures! I loved reading about the store before the 100-mile wilderness. was their prices reasonable? you would wonder if they tried to "gouge" the prices since they were the last store for 100 miles.
Hi Jack and Sherry, this is Cricket! I just found the card you gave me in Monson, so I decided to check out your blog. You two sure have been on some adventures! Great picture of Detour and Packman. I ran into them a couple of times on the trail. They gave Stretch, Tin Man, and me some extra food one morning! Nice pictures from the trail as well. I loved all the lakes up in Maine - it was certainly a treat to go swimming at the end of a long day hiking. And the general store in Monson, some of the nicest folks on the trail.
Once again, thanks for the ride to the trail head back in August, it was a pleasure meeting you.
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