This is our home for tonight... At Deer Farm Camp Ground. We had a fire outside with cake and ice cream with good coffee.

I did not put pictures on this morning. On the way to get the car fixed we stopped by the dam

Three boys were playing below the dam.

Isn't that dam-fall beautiful. Notice the tree I mentioned that allows them to climb back to the top of the dam.

While I walked back up to get a pic. of the bridge they dive off, Sherry said one dived off the Dam, I missed it.

This is the Dam pond, YOU can see the stump of the tree I was talking about them climbing up, hung on the dam itself..

This is the restaurant where we ate yesterday. We were seeated at the window to the right. I didn't realize they had a patio on the roof.

This is a beautiful home across the river.

The boys having a ball swimming in the river.

Time to get to Poulans Garage. This is the waiting area, Sherry reading. I love this atmosphere, I honestly to.

The van is on the hoist inside, we are set for an after noon of it.

I was drawn to this military snow blower. I don't think I need this.
In a few minutes the care is backed out of the garage. Finished said the young greasy Mr. Poulan. NOW THE BILL! They replaced both rotors and pads on the front. Rear was OK. Hold on to your hat. The labor for three men thirty minutes, get this...... $24.00. I haven't seen prices like than since the fifties. The parts were sold to us at COST! Any garage I know adds at least adds 20-50% parts cost.
We drove down the road, to see where our detour would lead us tomorrow. Ran across a computer reapirman dropped the second computer off that was riding in the car.
Going back by the Garage on the way home. We stopped by the garage. I put $30 in an autographed copy of Rags. and walked in. I know the mechanic thought I was returning to complain, why else would I be back? They were a happy crew, and we are a happy couple. To be in a remote area, with Florida tags on a car for emergency repairs and Get a great deal.

Looking at this picture of a beautiful old church, WE are blessed more than anyone I know.
Thank the Lord.

The hotel down town Kingsfield.

The front of the Longfellow Restaurant.
I just wanted to share these pictures and some more wonderful folks we have met!
Jack & Sherry of the Shipslog.
That is a beautiful place to camp. Those people sure were good to you. I loved the pictures. Have a good weekend. Helen
simply beautiful pictures. I can not believe the cost of getting your van fixed!! Main is supposed to be brutally cold or it sounds like a good place to live.
Seems as if life needs such places, where kids can swim and at the same time climb a tree. Incredible for me to see.
Reading about the garage and its behaviour makes me glad, as something alike would come close to a miracle here as well.
Nice to know that you are having a magic time.
Bet you felt like just settling in this perfect town and its beautiful too.
Hi Sherry and Jack! Great photos! Is that an optical illusion or are the boys on that tree in the two photos? Great capture! I'd love to jump into a cold lake right now! MUGGY! Oh yes, I have the new camera, it's a Panasonic Lumix DFX 5...or something like that, lol! I love it! I've just been kind of in a slump lately...waiting for my move date...trying to keep busy so I don't "fret" myself out, lol! But I'm just so distracted, I can't concentrate on anything for more than a minute or two! That will pass in about a month once I'm on the road! Yey! Isn't the card reader fabulous? I love mine. That and the little flash drives! Hope you get the pc's fixed soon, gosh that must suck. Good thing you have the laptop!
Can't believe that price for fixing the Van.
Love the Church and Houses. It looks like a
nice place to live. Glad you are doing well
hope you get the pc's working again. I have walked 5 miles in two days around town. No Trail
Wow it looks like such a beautiful, cozy little the pics..thanks so much for sharing!
What an awesome deal they gave you for fixing the van..that is unheard of these days...I know it made their day when you came back :)
Love ya'll
Great deal you got on your van repair. The last time ( a few months ago) I took my car in for repair the labor was $150.of course that was the Ford place. Love the picture, you and Sherry take care, jean
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