If you did not hit the thread yesterday, here it is again. To get a look at a shot of Bill Irwin hiking the Appalachian Trail.

Years ago we bought Bill Irwin's book, 'Blind Courage'. Since Sonny is an avid reader, we let him have the book. We are going to get it replaced with an autographed copy while in MAINE More on that later. (I hope you got to watch the film clip from yesterday's entry.)
Moving day for gypsies. We are now in Kingfield, ME. This is Deer Farm Camp Ground. We actually took a side road to get here and went up some steep hills (this Cummins Diesel got down to ten MPH) to the end of the pavement, then a little further. This is a rustic Campground but very relaxing. Give you the feel of a Federal or State Park, which we really like.
Yesterday was our last hike from Cathedral Pines, again we met some interesting folk. Mentioned above.
Yesterday was our last hike from Cathedral Pines, again we met some interesting folk. Mentioned above.
Nite Shipslog
PS: Oh well, not everyone is happily married.
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John was on his deathbed and gasped pitifully.. “Give me one last request, dear,” he said.
“Of course, John,” his wife said softly.
“Six months after I die,” he said, “I want you to marry Bob.”
“But I thought you hated Bob,” she said.
With his last breath John said, “I do!”
Hi Sherry and Jack! I just caught up with your travels for the last 4 posts!!! I think it's neat how everyone has a nickname! Such great photos, love the frog, lol...so you had a good coversation huh? :)
I loved that video clip of Bill Irwin, wow, isn't that inspirational?
Great pictures. I liked that frog and those pretty berries. I don't see how Bill Irvin climbed those mountains. Poor dog was having a hard time with also all that weight it carried. Helen
Glad you got to meet Bill Irwin. I bet it is
a rocky climb. The way everybody helps each
is fun to read. Taking them to eat, to get
supplies a place to stay, interesting. I sure
they are thankful. Be careful.
So you talk to animals too or amphibians or whatever? The berry picture is very pretty.
Loved the berry picture very much.
Seems as if one is able to meet the best people in the world within your woods.
Sadly Athens has 'burned' most of its trees, gladly there's your site.
With regard to marriage: before buying my suit, wearing during the wedding, I asked her to bury me wearing it again - hoping though that it will be a long time until then.
Safe walks and healty feed for you two.
Those berries are beautiful, did you test one you see if they were poison??? I am directing that question to you Jack!!! Great pictures.
I love the first picture of Sherry leaning to show the rocks; she looks very serene in that picture (to me at least). I did enjoy that video of Bill Irwin, and I read the comment from Shirl that you got to meet him; I bet that was inspiring!
Sherry is so patient with your pictures of her walking ahead of you; I don't know if I would want those many pictures of my behind posted; she definitely is a sweetheart and a keeper!
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