The summer is the worst time because they love to soak up the sunshine; seldom do they seek the shade. To be honest I like alligators. I mean I like to see them and certainly respect them. I saw a video the other day of some fool putting his hand in an open alligator’s mouth. He would jerk it out just before the jaws slapped shut. Or he did three times, but he fourth time the alligator got him and mangled his hand. A good thing the guy was just sunning and was not hungry or the guy could have been killed.
It never ceases to amaze me how dumb us humans can be at times. Animals living in the wild are just that, wild. I mentioned in a post a couple days ago that we used to get close to bears, not actually realizing the danger. Fortunately we were never attacked or hurt.
(Below Alligators in neighbors yard across the lake.)
(Below is the Blue Heron, they are pretty watchful, but the alligators get on every once in awhile.)
I caught a cotton mouth once, he bit me, but he never bit anyone else. I did a dance on his head.
Animals are important to our world, most of the time if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. Sherry cannot believe that about bees and wasps! Once she had some hornets get under her dress, let me till you modesty went to the winds!!!
Thanks for coming by the log.
Nite Shipslog
The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy areplacement.
In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world isweird and people take Prozac to make it normal
..How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes awhole box to start a campfire?
Snakes in your room gives me cold chills and you lied to your Mom? Shame on you.
Those copper heads and cotton mouths are very dangerous snakes. Guess by now you know that. You won't catch me staying where there are alligators. No sir ree. Just call me chicken LOL. Helen
it used to always "amuse" me about the tourists at Yellowstone who would get out of their car and approach wildlife (buffalo especially) forgetting that they were wild. I have a healthy respect for the creatures God created for sure
wow with your experience with snakes!
Good Morning Jack and Sherry! I came by the shipslog to pick up a laugh for the day. You never disappoint me. :D About the wild things - I saw a bear about a thousand yards away from the cabin the first year I owned it. It came loping directly toward me until I brought the .270 to my shoulder, then made a 90 degree turn, straight up the mountain. I've always believed that most bear attacks on humans are made when humans forget that the animals are wild. Snakes? I lived in Africa for 9 years and only had the privilege of killing one Green Mamba (in our yard) and one Puff Adder (in a house where we were vacationing). We have a few copperheads here in the mountain, but I have only seen maybe three. Now 'gators can really hurt you. They only frighten me if I see them in the water where I'm swimming. :D Have a great day. BTW congrats on finishing your manuscript! I look forward to reading the book. I'm into Rags now.
LoL - that was the bear made the 90 and went up the mountain - not me!
i DO NOT WANT TO CO-HABITATE with anything besides my husband. Hate snakes and don't want to see alligator. Those alligators need to be taught to leave the turtles in peace.
I live in South Florida but I have never seen an alligator and I don't want to either! You see, the city girl is still in me. I miss the city and Boston. I love cement under my feet and not grass with red ants! LOL
Hugs, Rose
Awesome pics...although being that close to an alligator without a fence around them would scare me half to death!
LOL@ Sherry's modesty going out the window...mine would have to...I don't like wasp or hornets either... or spiders...and snakes...let's not even talk snakes...are you crazy? LOL I HATE snakes...that is one of the most things I am fearful of..ewww!
Love ya!
Hugs Terri
It looks to me, as indeed, you were able to find Paradiese for the second time.
Please have you two a wonderful start into the new week.
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