What we were looking for yesterday was one of these things. The manatee. A water mammal. Giant friendly mammal that is so ugly it is pretty. It must stick its nose up to breathe every quarter hour or so. They weigh up to 1200 lbs (550keg) and nine or ten feet long(3 meters) in length.
Yesterday we took a day trip with our former pastor Wayne and his sweet wife Juanita. We had breakfast at Pete's diner local spot with plenty of color (and cheap) Note the Gentleman.
WE drove up to Blue Springs State Park in Orange City. We hoped to see some Manatees.
The state of Florida has many springs, this is called Blue Springs and feeds into the St. John's river.
Nice walk way along the stream.
Two hour tours are run on the pontoon boat you see tied up. Too windy for us today. WE spotted one. They are grey this one appears white in the photo.

He or She moved on with too much attention.

The ticket sales office for the tour boat.
The area is fenced off to keep boats out.What you see in this photo is a white hook looking thing. and three forms around it. these are Manatees. One of theim is pulling this thing and it floats behind the manatee and you can see where it goes. I wondered who attached this to the manatee.
We have seen the Manatee, now head to the seafood house called Corky Bells. This one in Palatka, Florida and on the St. John's River.
We had a delicious meal at a reasonable price.
The WAitress took this photo for us, note the GAtor beside me. They were throughout the restaurant.
YOu can see the large St. Johns River in the back ground. Two pretty women and......! LOL (A great preacher.)
Some of the tables were outside on the St. Johns. This fellow just drug a baked potato off that table and was enjoying himself.
I was more lucky than the Squirrel, I found this to take home and ................................. Love on!!
I am much luckier than the squirrel.

So long to Corky Bell's until the next time.Glad you could go along. Thanks for coming by the log.
Nite Shipslog,
PS: Things I am starting to notice that seniors are concerned about:
You realize you're never going to be really good at anything .... especially …???
Your mate is counting on you to remember things you don't remember.
The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do care that you don't care to do them anymore.
Glad that you all got to see those Manatees. They are ugly creatures. Great pictures. Helen
We have some of those around here too, they show them in the paper occasionally. You and Sherry have a great day, Sheila
You just look so relaxed. Those Manatees are really ugly.
Having been born at Lacoochee, FL and spending lots of time with Grandpa Jones on the Withlacoochee river from Yankeetown out to the Gulf - I never saw a Manatee. The first one I ever saw was in Georgetown, Guyana. I heard somewhere that they may be where we get the story of mermaids because of the way they feed their young. I had never known until then that most mermaids were ugly!!!
On that gentleman thing - Frances has tried to train me but I keep forgetting. LMHO
It looks indeed as you are living in a great place...sigh...makes one glad. A wonderful Wednesday for you all.
Nice pictures and you were such a gentleman.
I always think manatees would be fun to see "in person"; sounds like you all had a great time! beautiful area you were in too :)
Well a life of traveling and eating. Looks like
a good time was had by all. What a beautiful
area. The reasonable meal also looked good. Never know what to expect when I read where you going or where you are eating.
We were down there Sunday and saw six or seven. Never did see the one that had a radio transmitter, of which I think you have a photo. I posted a couple of pics on www.laflorida-laflorida.blogspot.com
By the way, this post got picked up Google on its google alert for the St. Johns River.
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