We did take a walk today, for 45 minutes. It was a little cool to start with but we warmed up. Ran into the guy above. Never saw a squirrel like this. He has a black head and white nose.
We slept in until near 9:30 or maybe I did. I figured church was called off here in the park because I doubt if the electric heaters will heat the building. We completed our regular Sunday morning ritual. To McDonalds for a jelly biscuit. I do the people watching (Sherry does too). Of course not too many folks there this morning school breaks are over so not too many folks headed or leaving Disney. This Mc Don's is at the beginning of the Florida Turnpike, just about 23 miles to Disney.
Tonight is our coldest night, they say 21, I say 30! (makes me feel better). Then heading back up to FLORIDA weather.
Thanks for coming by the log.
NIte Shipslog
Life is short, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, Love truly,
Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here, we should dance.
Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here, we should dance.
Very good pictures. That gator is a whopper. I wouldn't want to be around it. That is cold for FL. Another blogger that lives in FL said she emptied her birdbath and it froze solid three times this morning. It's going to be 16ยบ here tonight. Stay warm. Helen
Pshew! That's COLD Jack. Florida is NOT supposed to be that cold. Ever! It's going to be 15 here in the morning when I have to go out. It was 14 this morning on my truck thermometer when we headed out to Tellico for Sunday School and church. Love your pictures. So glad I found your blog.
Well you are getting a dose of the cold weather
we are having. It is going to warm up Wed.
I am staying warm. We didn't get any snow but
that is OK. Keep the gators in Fl. don't need
the trouble in town. Hope you warm up soon.
I love eating bananas and if the trees are dying...we will all be in trubble next year!!! around here nothing is moving...birds, squirrels, nuttin!!!! still bitterly cold...but no more snow...school should be in session...but who knows what the higher ups are thinking...??? Mother Nature really doesn't discriminate does she!!??? and about that gator...rest assured it would NOT be safe here in KY LOLOLOL....hugs to you both...Ora and that other person who lives here....
Oh no! I can't believe it killed the banana trees... I love bananas...it would be awesome to have a tree of my own if I lived there :)
Stay warm!
It is 25 here and supposed to warm up slowly. Got a few flurries. I can't believe it froze a banana tree. I didn't know they were so tender.
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