Sunday, January 24, 2010. WE are in Fruitland Park, FL on the shore of Lake Griffin. When we drove back in last night the camp fires were going, folks around roasting wieners and talking. Young people probably finding a cheaper way to see Disney World. It is only 25-30 miles down the road. Old folks gathered around telling tales, some truth some tall. LOL
WE don’t have a fire as often as we once did. A campfire is something special. It goes with being out in the woods. On the Appalachian Trail we were known for our camp fires. We couldn’t hike the long hours or distances the kids did, so we stopped early about 3PM. Sherry would find a hiding place to wash off with baby wipes and I would start gathering wood for our nightly fire. If the camping area was conducive to company kids and other hardy hikers would start showing up about 5-6. They never had a fire unless someone else built it, they were tired. The kids hike from 16 to 25 miles a day, and they are beat. Many, many times we were thanked for the fire that they only had to collapse around and tell about their day.
Camp Fires, like waterfalls bring out the best in folks. On several occasions we have had both in the wilderness. I loved hearing the dreams of the youngsters, we could sit back and enjoy them and remember when our future was only dreams.
WE met many older hikers, and loved hearing of their lives and past experiences. WE were amazed when we got interested in the Appalachian Trail, of the community that develops with its followers. WE have met many college kids, between years or just finishing and wanting to get out away from studies. WE met the pastor of a large Methodist Church in Knoxville who was out to relax away from phones, etc. Met one airline pilot and the head engineer of a sky scraper being built in Charlotte, NC. Artists and writers, wild kids and young folks with a real head on their shoulders.
WE met many older hikers, and loved hearing of their lives and past experiences. WE were amazed when we got interested in the Appalachian Trail, of the community that develops with its followers. WE have met many college kids, between years or just finishing and wanting to get out away from studies. WE met the pastor of a large Methodist Church in Knoxville who was out to relax away from phones, etc. Met one airline pilot and the head engineer of a sky scraper being built in Charlotte, NC. Artists and writers, wild kids and young folks with a real head on their shoulders.
WE met the smartest man in the world and a lady who was hiking with no supplies. We met two guys who were ‘only’ hiking three hundred miles to a buddies wedding!
There was young girls alone like Cricket and Grandmas hiking alone.
WE met many around Campfires and learned a lot there.
Thanks for coming this way.l
Nite Ships Log,
PS: On getting older:
When you needed the discount you paid full price. Now you get discounts on everything .... movies, hotels, flights, but you're too tired to use them.
Nite Ships Log,
PS: On getting older:
When you needed the discount you paid full price. Now you get discounts on everything .... movies, hotels, flights, but you're too tired to use them.
HAHA love the post it note...too funny!
I am soooooo jealous of the campfire, roasting weinies and just enjoying one anothers company... ahhh I cannot wait till spring!
Wish we were there!
Love ya!
Hugs Terri
WE used to keep a camper on a campground and built fires about every night. Several campers would gather round and talk. We had some good times. That getting older hits the nail on the head. Helen
You and Sherry have met a lot of intresting
people. I also remember the smartest man in the
world. I remember the man and his dog (not the
blind man). The Charlotte racing team. The many
kids you took to town or to where they were going to start walking. You have been everywhere
and seem everything. You are well traveled.
You are well traveled Jack and Sherry. Now the goal is to keep on as long as you can. I hope that is a very long time since you love it so much.
I like fireplaces and campfires too...and alligators are fine too as long as I am a safe distance away. We used to rent a cabin at Leroy Percy state park in MS, when we lived in Greenville, MS, and they had a lake and a lot of alligators. Snakes don't bother me if they are in a cage or someone is holding them...but if they are crawling in my yard, they send chills up my spine...ha...even if I know they are there but can't see them...lol. Hope you and Sherry had a great day, Sheila
At least two decades since last I saw a camp fire. It was also the camp, where I first kissed a girl...aahhh...thank you very much for that memory.
Roasting wieners remindes me of the little hole in the wall cafe in the next town over who advertise that they have winnies. It cracks me up everytime we go by as my Mama's name was Winnie. You and Sherry sure have met the most interesting people.
you know, I almost had me and hubby talked into doing the Pacific Trail here, based on your and Sherry's wonderful adventures on the Appalachian Trail until I remembered I hate hiking, hate camping, and HATE snakes. Your adventures do sound so enjoyable and something that would be so memorable that I might have to re-think what I hate and plunge on our adventures some days
campfires and s'mores, in my opinion, go hand in hand
always enjoy reading your adventures in hiking the trail
That's great! Campfires really are special! I'm looking forward to hearing lots of stories this summer too! :)
Hi Jack and Sherry...sorry I have commented lately..just lazy I guess...no I know I am lazy LOL...just doing laundry today...him has gone to run errands...nice and quiet here LOL..snow is forecasted for later today...I don't believe it...see the header on my blog...???? and I so enjoy your "traveling" stories...but I don't think I would make a good traveler .... Sherry is a good person LOL...gooder than me for sure!!! stay safe and happy...love and hugs...Ora and him...whoever he is!!!! LOLOL
PS...that should read "sorry I haven't comment lately!!!! sheesh....senior moment there LOLOL...hugs...me again
wow...no comments for a while and now three in a row...you are blessed today folks...or NOT!!???!!!! LOL....happy day...me...and him
On a cool night, there is nothing much better for me to do than have a camp-fire to sit around, friends to share stories with, a pot of black java, maybe a guitar or two, and singing some of those old songs remembered from childhood days. Many of my childhood nights were spent in Gulf-Hammock in the middle of such a scene while my grand-parents and 2nd cousins on the Jones' side of the family did just that. Thanks for the memories!
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