Wayne, Juanita and Sherry!
Our ex-pastor took us out for lunch yesterday. Yep he paid! (well his sweet wife did). I never feel right when the pastor pays for my meal, I always like to pay for his. Anyway after lunch He gave us a 5 gal bucket of fruit. The 5gal bucket was chewed all around the edge, made me think of MJ. She chews anything she can find from phones, to remotes and WII controls. (Preacher did not want the bucket back)
I sliced the 'red' to show the difference in it and the Orange (naval)
So that was fresh fruit last night, then this morning Sherry made delicious wild blue berry pancakes. (wild blue berries we got in Maine, and froze) I washed dishes this morning.
Do you wash dishes? Me too, (sometime). Do you was the bottom of a plate? Most girls do. I only wipe over it, who eats off the bottom? It is according to how it is stacked before you wash it. Sherry probably has never noticed when I stack dishes I always leave a fork or spoon between dishes. That way the bottom don’t get too dirty and I don’t have to waste time with it. Okay, I am lazy, can’t help it.
Thanks for dropping by the log,
Nite Shipslog
Things you don’t hear anymore:
If I hear of you playing marbles for keeps, I’ll tan you hide.
Look for a good stick for a bat and let’s play some ball.
Quit crossing your eyes! They will get stuck that way! (You heard that, you said so)
Soak your foot in this pan of kerosene so that bad cut won't get infected..
(I used to wonder why mama’s kerosene did not run out when she turned that glass jug upside down for the stove.)
(I used to wonder why mama’s kerosene did not run out when she turned that glass jug upside down for the stove.)
I hate silverware between the plates, makes them uneven. Not much trouble to wash the bottom of the plates. lol Well I'll have to say it is nice of you to wash dishes for Sherry.
Plelase tell me you don't leave the silverware
between the dishes. I know Sherry would not let
you do this. Love the fruit pictures as we
know fruit is healthy for us. Enjoy all the fresh fruit and think of us back home. I am on
a self-improvement program.....HEE HEE
That fruit looks delicious. You better wash those plates good or Sherry will find you out. I remember my parents and g=parents putting kerosene on bad cuts I used to get. I was a tomboy back then and getting cut by bobwire all the time. Been snowing here since lunch but not sticking because it quits a while and melts then start back. Helen
I have a sink load come on up.....you can shovel while you are here too.....lol
oh yea....bring me some grapefruit please...
Ah yes. Have to help out with those dish-washing chores around here now...since Frances' heart surgery back in March last year. I do it the way I learned to as a sailor - run 'em thru that dishwasher! And as for mopping - set all the furniture outside, take the waterhose and swab that deck! BTW - I love that fresh fruit in Florida...brought back memories of eating guava's, kumquat's, tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit (both red and white) fresh off the trees! ONE more thing - If I come down to visit will you introduce me to that pastor that wants to pick up the tab when you go out to eat? They are rare! :D
Yes, it is me who does the dishes.
Nice to see also that the inside is still able to make a surprise, even with such an outside.
Please have you all a wonderful Friday.
Hi Jack...and Sherry too....well I have a dish washer...and no it doesn't have two legs...it has a rack...a door...and hot water...LOLOL...and it does the front AND back of the dishes...and you know what else....??? it is cold here... 8 degrees...but sunny...got some snow yesterday...in fact ... all day snow..and have 6 to 8 inches...not alot of wind tho..next week this will all be a sorry dream!!!! LOL...stay warm....God Bless..hugs Ora and him who is somewhere around here!!! LOL
Well, I use a dishwasher! Thank goodness. I think a dishwasher is good to sanitize your dishes because of the heating element in the appliance gets much hotter than your hands could stand by washing them by hand.
I never heard of anyone putting utensils in between a stack of dishes!
I don't want silverware between my plates either, I like things stacked neatly...even dirty dishes..HAHA I wash the front and back of plates...might as well cause in a sink full of dishes the back gets dirty too... Honestly I need a dishwasher, but don't have room for one...if we ever move...that is on the top of my list...LOL
YUM!! The fruit looks sooo good!
How sweet of the pastor to pay, glad ya'll had a nice meal together!
Love ya'll
Hugs Terri
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