Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Things may get back to normal here.

Tomorrow the router is due in. I think I am getting used to not being on line so much, this could have been a good thing,  I like to think so.  I hate being pessimistic.  I was born positive!  LOL

So I am planning on this being a great addition to our little home on the road.  We may be able to watch the video’s folks pass around.

Hey, I learned something to day. Something that probably everyone reading this knew but me. To preface that, growing up I never heard of broccoli, asparagus, pizza, or those little miniature cabbage heads.  So tonight Evelyn invited us over for corned beef and mashed potatoes with cheese biscuits; along with tomatoes and okra together.

Okay I have never eaten corned beef (except on a Rubén & Sherry had to remind me of that).  It was good. Also, I have eaten tomatoes and okra together all my life, but today I learned something  else, Don put sugar on his okra and tomatoes. I tried it, it was good also.

So when I got home I asked Sherry where the meat came from for the corned beef. She didn’t know. so I looked it up.  It comes from the Brisket on the beef.  Also the Corn is not the vegetable it is the salt used to cure the brisket.

I just finished a cheese biscuit with the last piece of corned beef. Evelyn’s cheese biscuits are as good as Red Lobster’s.

Thanks for coming this way, I do appreciate it.  Oh yeah, I have been reading blogs and enjoying them. I am hoping that Lucy  and Grover are okay.

Now I will see if I can get this on. I wrote it off line.

Nite Shipslog



These are classified ads, which were actually placed in U.K. Newspapers:____________________________

FREE PUPPIES. Mother is a Kennel Club registered German Shepherd.

Father is a Super Dog, able to leap tall fences in a single bound.


Especially for Paula!!!!

> COWS, CALVES: NEVER BRED. Also 1 gay bull for sale.


mcoop1i  interiminicoop1l 1966

The 1966-67 Mini Cooper, I never paid much attention to this great car until I started reading Jack Higgins books.


Chatty Crone said...

Okay that sounds like one heck of a good dinner to me! sandie

Paula said...

If we would have had a gay bull we wouldn't have the problem we had this morning. Hee hee. I'm anxious to hear about Lucy too. I think the last I read Grover was doing well.

Anonymous said...

You've made me hungry! I could really go for some corned beef and cheddar biscuits right now.

I once worked with a guy who was a 7th Day Adventist. He was trying to go vegetarian. He said the thing he was having a hard time giving up was corned beef.

betty said...

That sounds like mighty fine cooking!! Biscuits better than Red Lobster's, they must almost melt in your mouth! Glad to see a post from you Jack! It is sometimes good too to just get off line and do other things too, but good to read an update from you and Sherry!



I'd like the recipe to those cheese biscuits. They sound DELICIOUS. I make corned beef and cabbage for my husband, but I do NOT eat any myself. He finally finished the leftovers from St. Patrick's Day on Sunday. Glad you enjoyed your dinner. My hubby also LOVES okra. Good fixings always make you smile. Take care. MINI COOPERS are so cool.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sure hope the new router is everything you want. I am enjoying my cable internet here at home this year. When camping starts I'll go back to my verison hook up and it's only 3g. yes it is slow. I love the cheese biscuits at Red Lobster. You'll have to see if you can get that recipe to share with us. Much colder in northern Ohio. Today we may warm up in the 50's again.

shirl72 said...

Sounds like Evelyn served up a good
dinner. When we were small the veg. you mentioned were not
served. People had mostly things from someones garden. We didn't have Pizza Rest. It was good home cooking. I was trying to think of a fast food rest. I think there were Hot Dog Stands. Remember one call "Hole in the Wall". Need to go to the Kitchen and find a snack.


Fred Alton said...

It's great that you have good friends like Don and Evelyn near you in Florida. I never liked corned beef...but have eaten it a lot. It was one of the cheaper cuts of beef so we poor folks ate it often. ☺

Fred Alton said...

It's great that you have good friends like Don and Evelyn near you in Florida. I never liked corned beef...but have eaten it a lot. It was one of the cheaper cuts of beef so we poor folks ate it often. ☺

Anonymous said...

Good food holds body, mind and soul together. Wishing you all a good Thursday.

Louis la Vache said...

Ah! The Mini Cooper! The original and still the best!
None of the engine problems the BMW-built Mini has!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you never ate corned beef! It is our tradition to always have corned beef and cabbage with a mustard sauce on St Patrick's Day. But I am with you on vegetables, we ate a lot of corn, peas, beans and I guess salads when I was a kid, but not a lot of other vegetables, although we did eat asparagus since we grew it. I didn't eat broccoli until I was nearly grown, but now love almost every vegetable. The first time I ate Pizza was when I made it as a teenager (Chef Boy Ar Dee!)and never saw a pizza place until I was married and living on the east coast. Lindie