Monday, September 3, 2012

Tall ships, cars, motorcycles and Planes What a great day in Maine

Early we leave, okay mid morning. Stopped for breakfast, ‘twas good. Son Jack said probably the best breakfast he ever had, then quickly added, except mom’s.

Then to Camden in the rain. Watched a pirate attack and went aboard a Tall ship. Got a personal tour, loved the ship.

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(Cannon firing on an approaching Pirate ship)

(Click a picture to enlarge)

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Ship on the left is the ‘Mary Day’, this is the pirate ship after the attack tying up beside the Mary Day.

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I love the nautical line handling and faking. You see the rain was still with us, the boys and I aft on the ship.

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The boys and mama on the starboard side. Right the First Mate and I.

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Sherry and I on the pier beside the Mary Day.

Left the Tall ships and headed to Owl Head and a surprise. I went expecting Planes and motorcycles, I got a thrill, OLD CARS!

I am going to show only a couple you might not recognize:

(This first on is a motorcycle with training wheels, has a V8 engine and production costs was $25,000 in 1913, listed in the 50 worst vehicles made.)

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Three Crosleys:

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The two above I recognized from my childhood.

BUT this little Crosley Roadster I had never seen nor heard of. It is a cute dude. I love it.

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There was much more but I will hold that for later. It was a great day. Jack found us a parking place, I have never seen such small places:

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(Not our car but you get the idea! Jack got it in, Mark got it out!)

Thanks for coming this way gotta go.

Nite Shipslog


It is never too late to become what you might have been.


I will close with some of the most beautiful cars there:

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1933 Packard 12 (?)

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1950 Packard

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‘33-‘34 Pierce Arrow.



Anonymous said...

love the tall ships, the motorcycle is definitely unique but the Crosley Roadster is as cute as a bug in a rug! My Dad had a Crosley Sedan and a Crosley Station Wagon to get him back and forth between Greensville County and Tidewater. They were both used, it's a good thing he was a handy man cause he was working on them all the time!

Those are some timy parking spaces ;)

Anonymous said...

that'ts meant to be "tiNy parking spaces" ;)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Great pictures. Glad to see you don't let the rain get you down anyway. Hope you have a great Labor Day!

shirl72 said...

Glad you are having a good time.
Good pictures of the boats. What
a treat seeing a car show love the beautiful cars.

Happy Labor Day...

Chatty Crone said...

I really enjoyed the photos of the boat. I hope it stops raining for you hike. Have a great Labor DAy.

Y said...

I don't show Richard very many of your photos because I'm afraid he may leave me for you, or trade me in and start pursuing your Sherry who accompanies you on all the old car tours...

Anonymous said...

Miss rain much. Still above 85F during midday. Please have you all a good Tuesday.

(Hope you will find the time to visit tomorrow.)

Dar said...

Nice day, indeed. You guys and gal all look so happy and relaxed. I hope this finds your expectations of the upcoming hike, still high. I will pray for sunshine and mid temps for you along with no rain, cool nights and stars to gaze at.
Love that 1950 Packard. It's my birth year. That makes it 'sweet'

Dar said...

We saw that truck again and it is a Studebaker...sweet wheels.
Have a great are back in school and this Granny is taking a nap.

Rose said...

I've seen the Tall Ships a few times in Boston and they always fascinated me.

Sounds like a wonderful time you guys are having in Maine.

What's there not to love about New England? Just fabulous!

Hugs, Rose P.S. Love that motorcycle!

Lucy said...

Just stopped in to see If there is ant new news. Hope everything is ok. Sherry, you are probably the smartest of all. I love those pictures.

Lucy said...

Just checking to see how things are going. Will see you later. Wonder what kind of shape all the guys are in.