Monday, November 25, 2013

A good day

Sherry and I share many  good days and only a few bad, but none of us are immune to the bad ones. Ahhhh if families were perfect?  And dadgummit, if they would just listen to me!!!!  Can’t they see that  heartbreaking cliff they are headed for?


Was I that headstrong and hardheaded?

I think we can answer those questions with no trouble. Everyone must stump their toe. I think every human experiences heart break, and no one can take it away.

I have known folk who seemed to be able to be abstract from their kids problems. To say, they will make it, they will out grow it and be better for it. 

Hey, I know that, but I would like to help a LITTLE!  Sad smile. (Mend a fence, cut the grass)


I came along just as the mindset, “at 17-18 you are on your own as a son/daughter”, was changing.  The parents still have things to worry about. That is hard to see,  as you struggle for your own identity.  To my dad (& mom)’s credit, they did not try to run or interfere with my growing up.  They knew much more than I, where the road lead.


My parents were blessed (or cursed) with being raised and raising a family thru some very tough times. Their childhood in the early 1900’s on farms in North Georgia was tough. The farmer had large families to keep farms going. And also to take care of the Grands at times.(picture the Waltons)

Then they made it thru a very dark time WWII. With two sons in the Navy. So I guess Dad knew how to turn loose better than I. He had experienced it. Me? I really had it easy. If I had a part time job it was not out of necessity. If I really needed something, I got it. After all I was the baby in the family. (Shirl was the favorite) but I was still petted cause I was the baby!Winking smile

New Folder (2) 084

(Jack Jr & Mark in GITMO, with just a few of their trophies)

Our boys worked as teen agers, but for spending money not because of necessity either. Jack Jr. was shocked after he quit school and was working when his mom said, “we expect $20 a week for room and board!”

“What?” he yelled, “This is my house too!” Winking smile(Jack loved to yell) But he paid. Now to explain, I never paid board at home, I left home immediately after I quit school. But Sherry’s family had always practiced paying board weekly as they went to work when they stayed home. Her family could use the money, and it was great discipline, she has carried that lesson all her life.

Did we need the money from JJ? No, so Sherry put each payment in an envelope, and when he decided to really ‘Leave Home’, she handed him the envelope.  She has always been a very wise mama.(Imma lucky dude)

Nite Shipslog


When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm
beginning to believe it.
~Clarence Darrow~ (Of  President W.G Harding)



President Harding’s Packard


shirl72 said...

I think about Mother and Dad
almost everyday and how blessed
we were to have good parents.
We all were well adjusted because
of their nature. I loved our family
and miss them..

Jackie said...

Great parenting....from yours and from you and Sherry.
I love the fact that Sherry saved the money in an envelope and gave it to Jack, Jr. when he left home.
That was a wonderful (and Motherly) thing to do, Sherry. I love that....


Parenting can be hit or miss. Sometimes you get it right or sometimes you get it wrong.

Paula said...

That was such a smart thing for Sherry to do. Was Jack surprised he got it back? We made both daughters save money to buy their own first car after they got their first jobs at the movie theater. Leah wanted to be so grown up and shop and buy her car without help from her Dad. Poor girl bought such a lemon. Lynda was lucky my brother offered to sell her his Mustang he had bought brand new and took very good care of.

Mevely317 said...

Ya, I really believe our grands --and theirs before -- had a good grasp on this parent-business.
Kinda like "tough-love" only before labels and Dr. Spock become popular?
Sometimes wish I could turn back the clock and do things differently; but then I figure, my boy turned out pretty OK - DESPITE his parents! lol.

betty said...

That was good with what Sherry did about the money and then returning it to your son when he left home. Helped him practice paying rent and get into the habit of it.

I'm one of those helicopter parents, LOL; I tend to hover a bit. It is hard to let them grow up, LOL :)


Anonymous said...

Great parenting care taken for your kids...

Rose said...

I did the same thing with my son. With his first job, I requested room and board money and he too was surprised that I asked for it.

When he made to decision to go on his own, I handed him the envelope containing all the money he gave me weekly. It was put to good use in his first apartment.

Hugs to my favorite couple.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee... Harding may not have been any competition to Lincoln in the "Great Presidents Club" (which doesn't really exist...), but at least he had a Packard!