We are near Yemassee. I pronounced that “Ye- MASS-e” until I found the locals say “YEM-ma-see.” I have that problem a lot, no one knows how to pronounce words..
In South Carolina this is called the ‘Low-Country’. If you read the book or saw the movies, ‘Prince of Tides’ or ‘The Great Santini’, the locale was in or near Beaufort, SC. We are near there.
Actually we are not far from Savannah, once while here we drove down and had dinner with Paula Dean. Well, we ate at her Restaurant, isn’t that the same? . You only eat there with reservations, reservations can be made on the street as you stroll by. Then you can walk around and sight see until your time frame . If I remember right it is an old row house and occupies two or three floors. I know we ate on the second floor, that must be where the celebrities eat.
The coastal towns of SC and GA are quite quaint (is that a good description?). They are old and interesting. The Low Country has fascinated me since I vacationed here on a USMC base in 1956 out on Pleasure Island. I have lots of fond memories.
Road leading into The Oaks. Above and below.
This is a very good but really isolated park There are two lakes here, the road leading to the lakes has the sign at the top of the entry, do not feed the Gators. These are the lakes picture taken on 2012 trip thru.
We have decided to sit here for a week or so then on to Georgia. My girl has ordered us 50 lbs of pecans (PEE-CANS= Georgia tawk) and they are not ready yet. So we are slowing down to catch them before entering Florida for the winter.
(Our home for 8-10 days, I know, it looks the same!)
We just might go to Grassy Pond and wait until the Pecans fall.
Thanks for coming along.
Nite Shipslog
Weather is nice, hope it continues here in the Low Country.
Is this 1934 (Voisin?) Wild or what?
Enjoy the new scenery. Looks like a lovely place to hang out for a week or more. PECANS sound scrumptious.
It just does look relaxing. . Enjoy your pecans. Goodness, you only have one comment also. Everyone must have partied Halloween to much. Must check on my left over casserole.
Your going the wrong way...!! Ya gotta come north to play with the Big Boy Toys.....safe travels.....
50 pounds of pecans, yum! It is interesting how the locals pronounce things compared to how we might pronounce them. We get a kick out of our GPS system when it says the name of the road we are supposed to take and pronounces it different than it should be, we definitely know it is not a native :)
enjoy your time here; it does look like another beautiful spot!
I missed last nights Blog. I was
doing the treat and treat Halloween
thing. We were voted to stay and
give the candy out. Some of the
cutest children came by 2 and 3 years
old led by their parents. It is a close neighborhood. Giving the candy is a tiring job you get up and down.
Looks like you are having a relaxing
time.. Tell Paula I said Hello.
John has some pa cons on his trees. We just heard on the news some alligators were spotted in the San Antonio river near down town.
I love that area in GA - I have never eaten at Paula Deans though. So how long will you stay there and when do you get to Florida?
Our TX friend laughed his fool head off when I called pecans, pee cans. He said, "I'll show you a pee can," and handed me an empty coffee can. It was a good laugh. Now I know better. He showed us his grove and let us pick til our hands turned green and black. What a wonderful thing.
Glad you are settled for a week of campfires, cocoa and popcorn. Now, that's the life.
It's Good Isn't It!!!
That is a beautiful place to be sitting . One thing about the home with wheels. You move around and have a different view without leaving your home. I do love pecans!.
«Louis» got a chuckle out of the "PEE cans" vs. pecans as well. Having grown up in Texas, he can attest to the fact that you hear both pronunciations there.
You are correct that the car is a Voisin. It is one fine looking car. Different looking, but «Louis» likes it. (The four door version looks better.)
Voisin was founded by Gabriel Voisin, a pioneer in French aviation. The name means "neighbor" in French.
They were attempting to make the cars aerodynamic with the '34 models and the model you show is called Aerodyne. Jay Leno has a 4 door Aerodyne in his collection.
Beautiful country, Jack!
So, I'm impressed you dined with the Paula! :) I LOVE that lady, and LOVE southern cooking!
BTW, in West Texas I learned to pronounce them pah-CONS.
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