Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I guess I am just tired

I  am having troubles with the internet. Most of you know we use a the cell phone for internet connection.  WE are in a terrible place for reception.


I want to apologize to my Friend Sandie of the Chatty Crone. I was so glad to see her post and tried to comment but I had a problem and also the system kept dropping off line.

So if this posts (sounds like my friend Lucy) I will feel better.

Winking smile

I have been working too hard to ‘show off’ and have twisted my right knee, hurt my back and in many other ways have FELT OLD. LOL

Tomorrow we paint the Bitchen area (Bedroom/Kitchen). 

(To my sister Shirl, You Know I HATE, the “I told you so’s”)  LOL

My sweetheart said today as she was painting the closet, “If I ever suggest something like this again, please kick me in the behind.”

That made me feel SOOOOO good, I thought “I” had suggested it.Angry smile

I do know 12-13 hour days of labor are too much for someone our age.  Now, I have learned to not use the word NEVER, but if this is done again it will be for the fun of it and not to HURRY _ UP so we can head for Maine and a LOBSTA!

Thanks for stopping by the Log.  And I will catch up on blog reading soon.

Nite Shipslog


I would not trade the cell connection for a land line, but it is frustrating to have  weak signal.




I can remember wanting a VETTE, I think it was Route 66!


betty said...

Jack, don't feel bad about Sandie (Chatty Crone). She didn't have comments on for her update; I think she just wanted everyone to know she was doing good and the good news she got about her cancer.

That was a project that you and Sherry undertook, especially if you tried to get it done in a specific timeframe. I know you'll be glad to have it completed and I bet the next job you'll think twice before you start something, but in the meantime, I'm sure the finished project will turn out wonderful!



AFTER all this work you're doing... LOBSTER sounds good.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I used to have an internet connection like you and it was slow and almost non existent at times, but when you travel like you do, it's the best way to go. I now have cable internet and love it, but it doesn't travel with me. Sorry your back and and knee are hurting. I've learned from experience that there are somethings I can no longer do. You've taken on a big job and they do take time. Hope you are feeling better !

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you hurt your knee and back. Get well soon!

shirl72 said...

Jack I told you when you reach that
age you would feel every bone.
I am sorry about the knee and back.
It will take a long time for it
to heal. I hope you will slow
down and take care of yourself.
We are the only two left in the family..So after this project
sit and enjoy what you have
accomplished in life.

Glenda said...

So, am gonna echo everything Shirl said (except "I told you so") and remind you Gramma always said "Rome wasn't built in a day" so SLOW down yourself and feel better soon :)

Paula said...

Aww sorry you're ailing. Feel better soon.