Friday, January 28, 2022


 Today’s automobile:

1941 Chevy First preacher's car I remember...

Thoughts for today: 

(I am well aware of demonstrative preaching, I was raised under it, my pastor is well practiced at it. ;-)  )

I am reminded of our first grandson Benjamin Aaron.  He was my buddy. I lined up his bottled lunch and treats beside me in the pickup truck before he was a year old, and took him out on jobs.  He was a good kid (grandson).

JJ and wife Carol separated. One day she was gone, disappeared. Took that little light out of my life.

I kept a recorder at my desk and talked to him most every day. I told him how much I missed him and what was going on at the time.

Carol had lived in Texas, they married in DC, she in the USAF. Upon discharge they moved to our area. Carol headed off to parts unknown and it was three years before we learned where they were. She sent two letters, thru friends in other states saying Ben was doing well.

When he was 5 or 6, Carol, the mother wrote and asked if we wanted to see him and his brother. If so we could get airline tickets for them, from Salt Lake City to Charlotte, and they could visit for the summer.  I could not get the tickets fast enough. She had moved to Utah from NC. The letters we had received were postmarked Florida and Ohio I think. Today we are friends and we have spent time in her home in Utah.

Anyway they arrived, we had a BALL. Ben and older brother Corey were the perfect little gentlemen. I had to admit they were well trained. Of course we spoiled them as much as possible. BUT for this entry it is the time at church I remember.

 WE had a very demonstrative pastor. Sitting in church, during a sermon, Ben pulled my sleeve and asked, “Grandpa, why is he yelling at us!” I am not sure if LDS Elders or Catholic Priests raise their voices as they preach & teach. ;-)

At the time I was active in ‘Children’s ministry’ and took him with me weeks at a time.  I used Chalk Artistry and was a magician and ventriloquist. So in church I did not ‘Preach’ as we fundamentalists say. . LOL


PS: I asked on a minister’s forum, “When did the standup, challenging, demonstrative preaching begin?” It has been three days and none have answered.  

 Seems our Lord taught with authority. They surly raised voices to be heard, no doubt. ;-)  But today we have the Amplifiers.


betty said...

Glad you are friends with Carol and able to have the time you had with Ben and Corey then and I know it continues to the extent you have the ability to see them and keep in touch. I'm not really sure where demonstrative preaching came from or when it started, but I personally do not care for it :) I think the point can be gotten across without yelling or slamming down the Bible, etc. I think Jesus spoke/preached/taught with authority but I also think he did it in a humble manner :)


Mevely317 said...

Love what Ben said about the preacher's hollering! Out of the mouths of babes!
I've never witnessed that sort of preaching, but personally wouldn't care for it. (Different strokes for different folks, right?)
I remember an observation someone made about the power when someone speaks forcibly, but does so in a very QUIET, measured voice.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I have not known any Catholic priest to shout from the pulpit. They are generally quietly spoken. Some read from a pre-prepared sermons. The good ones just stand in the middle of the church, up-front, and "talk" to the congregation rather than preach. They explain the Gospel that has just been read, and how it affects us in modern life. No notes or written sermons. Just talking with authority and love.

God bless.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It is hard when our children separate and we can no longer see their children. I have a few that I'v not seen in hears and years. At least Ben's mom let them come for a visit. My ex DIL's only taught them to dislike me. Sadly we're not on a friendly basis at all.