Sunday, January 30, 2022

Some just accept, the Curious ask

 Recycled Automobile from The Past:

 1938 Buick still in use

Info & bulletin: The street lights in Hershey, PA are shaped like Hersey's kisses.  Just to let you know there are not only Hershey's Kisses here but this old man is getting his Kisses now, she is WELLER!

For today:

Most in their teen years use things like the ‘zip-lock’ items without asking, “What did you use before?”

With google so available, Young people in HS and college cannot IMAGINE the work required for research to write an in-depth paper!

WE have discussed how simple it is with word processing to correct spelling or ‘insert’ a missing paragraph and reprint it in a document.

And then we can remember cycles of life!

 In our earlier time we recycled most everything.


Clothes were hand me downs until they were cleaning rags or put into quilts. Old shoe leather was used in many ways from farm hinges, farm implement brake liners to slingshot pockets.

Newspapers became drawer liners, fire starters and kites.

EVERY soda, milk and canning bottle was reused until broken. There were even artists who recycled the broken glass into things of beauty including stained glass windows.

Those bottles thrown away became treasures for boys like me to find and return for the deposits.  I bought a lot of candy with those pennies.

When a coat or shirt collar out my mama could reverse it in just a few minutes.

Auto mobile tires were recapped and car oil was cleaned and resold as used motor oil.

 Then we went thru a period of everything about being throw away.  NOW we are back TRYING to save the planet with re-purposing.

I really believe we can help our planet by cleaning the air when we can, and doing our best to lessen the weight of our trash dumps.

One of the biggest recycle problems in earth is vehicle tires.  I wish there was a way to grind tires to make better road surfaces. I understand it has been tried but so far unsuccessful.

There are some of us who are confused about ‘Global Warming and/or Climate change!’  Lastly some scientists now talk about a ‘wobble in our orbit and an Axis angle change’ thus changing the way the sun/moon effects earth, thus weather.


 Just yesterday scientists say the center of Earth is cooling at an accelerated rate. We will become a solid inactive planet in a few hundred million or maybe a billion years...... For some reason that didn’t bother me….



Susan Kane said...

Renew, replace, or recycle. That is what we did when I was a child. Thought everyone did the same.

Someday in vintage and/or antique stores, our lawn chair will be $40 because today people don't recycle or fix/renew, they replace.

Chocolate should always be celebrated. These antique stores always have candy/choc bars up on the counter. Covering all bases.

NanaDiana said...

I use things for a long time...including my clothes! lol.
We are a people that have had things available to us that previous generations did not. My mother saved everything because she had been through the depression.

Hope you have a blessed Sunday- Diana

Mevely317 said...

I so regret the days when I'd be (mentally) rolling my eyes at my mother -- who washed her aluminum foil ... daddy, who clipped coupons and drove miles to save a penny on gasoline. Mother sewed most of my clothes, but all I wanted was 'store bought.'

Looking back, I realize how hard they worked and the steps they took to make ends meet. I'm humbled.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

WHAT ???

" ... a solid inactive planet in a few hundred million or maybe a billion years...... ???

I'd better finish reading quickly the book I just borrowed from the library. I don't want to be fined for a late return. Also, I have to mow the lawn straight-away. I have been asked to do it a million times and I ignored it.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

God bless.

yaya said...

I try to be careful about what I throw away and what goes to others if I truly can't use it anymore. I'm doing that with things like cookbooks, Christmas decor that I don't use, clothing of course, and most of my food scraps go into the compost pile. If I had chickens I'd feed it to them! I still have shoes and clothes at least 10yrs old or more that I use. I may not be in style but it works for me! At least Jack hasn't taken me to the compost pile or goodwill yet! Ha!

betty said...

I'm not sure about global warming. You wonder especially now with the storms happening on the East Coast dumping a lot of snow and cold temps! I think my mom was one of the first recyclers when it was big in the early 1970s. She had a compost garden for eggshells, veggie peelings, etc and started finding places to recycle the newspaper, etc. We need to see if we can recycle or re-purpose instead of just throwing things away. That does definitely fill up our dumps and when those are all filled up and there is no more vacant land to make more dumps then what?

Glad Sherry is better and you are getting your kisses again Jack!


Dar said...

We, too, have learned the art of recycling, repurposing, saving and sharing. I do wonder what the next several generations will do with their 'stuff,' but then we won't be around to worry about it. I grew up in a large family of siblings and we always shared everything we had and never did mind. We felt fortunate to have a shirt on our backs and a few gently used toys. There are still sling shots in the grandlove toybox made by their parents. I've got to love Victor's sense of humor. My lawn doesn't need mowing yet but the snow needs shoveling again. lol
loven'hugs from our northwoods where we watched a pair of coyote scavenging on a deer carcass. Even they gotta recycle.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Recycling is good. There is so much waste. Disposable world we live in. People find it easier to buy new than to fix something old. We used to reuse everything like you said.I think we need to pay attention to recycling and making things do with a new purpose. We are running out of room for landfills.