Friday, May 11, 2012

Storage stuff

Before I begin an entry this evening, the Sherry report.  She is resting a little better, She had company  today. Vickie brought her grandson Justin Jr., over fro a visit.

storage trailer 005

Justin had to take us for a ride, Kids love to drive this Coach.

storage trailer 006

Vickie is a good looking grandma.

 While they were here Brenda came.  Yesterday Shirl brought Chicken.

Today we went to the Jackson’s Cafeteria, we met up with Don & Evelyn, Our grand son matt went also.  We joined up with Sherry’s Brother Vernon and his wife Janet.  Dale Cash was also there. We had a good dinner and Sherry was pretty comfortable. She is now on the couch reading.

Today’s Stuff:

This it the storage trailer in the woods I am always talking about.

storage trailer 002

Thought I was kidding didn’t you?

storage trailer 003

I have most of the boxes out now, this was the last load, next is furniture.

storage trailer 004

You can see the results of rats/squirrels nests on the floor around the legs of the lathe. We lost stuff in only three boxes due to a leak in the trailer.

Below are pictures of the storage area.

storage trailer 001

I put shelves on the back wall. The right side is the beginning of the Yard sale stuff. To keep things neat, I priced as I went.

storage trailer 007

The yard sale stuff has grown to half the floor now.

storage trailer 008

Not much else happening now, slowly getting the trailer cleaned out.  I am doing the moving in the van right now. I will have to use a trailer for most of the furniture.

Made a couple discoveries will talk about later.

Thanks for dropping by.

Nite Shipslog

PS: (Another Church bulletin blooper), I bet this pastor wished the proof reader had caught this:

This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.



This was listed as the Cowboy truck. I like must be early to mid 1930’s. Maybe earlier looks like a spot for a crank in the lower grill.


shirl72 said...

Storage looks good and neat glad
you are getting things like you
want. Thing will be better when
Sherry's arm heals and everything finished and in place. You will be back to normal life and looking for something else to do. HEE HEE


Dar said...

Glad to hear Sherry is getting some rest finally. Time will heal. It's miserable being in any kind or restraint due to back understands.
Also, so nice to have a guy around to do the yard sale stuff, including the pricing...what a man. A keeper, I'd say. So, when did you say you were helping me? Ha!
It's fun finding things you forgot were there when you put them away for awhile...makes you wonder if you really needed to save it...
Have a great sale, whenever, and continue taking such fine care of Sherry. It's so nice to have folks stop by. Thinking of you two. Mom sends her prayers for you both with Sherry laid up awhile.

betty said...

So pleased that Sherry is feeling a bit better and that you both are enjoying company coming your way! That is one big trailer filled with things! I totally understand the concept of critters getting into things; had a bit of that here too in the garage (that was hubby's job to take care of that clean up LOL :)

You are diligent to price items for garage sales. We just lay things out priceless, got a price in our heads but when someone asks, then we say a price, they may or may not negotiate/barter. In most cases we take what they counter offer, LOL.

Will be eager to read what the discoveries are that you made!



Glad to hear Sherry is on the mend. It will take time. Be patient. That looks like quite a job you tackled there. Mission accomplished. Take care.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are making great headway there. Your storage trailer reminds me of the huge stack of stuff I have stored in the basement here. You are doing much better at sorting it all out than I am. I don't have any critters or leaks to deal with either. But I am not doing well at my job there at all. Good idea to get things ready for your sale as you go. That way you aren't going through it all twice. Great news to hear Sherry is doing better. Hope you both have a super Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Pleased to hear Sherry is doing a little better. A very Happy Mother's Day to her. ~Mary

Ken Riches said...

Must be a relief to finally move things from the storage trailer to the new storage shed.

Chatty Crone said...

When is your garage sale? I am so glad your wife feels better too. sandie

Louis la Vache said...

And that's a '65 Studebaker hiding behind that 30-something pick up. Built in Hamilton, Ontario. They weren't real Studebakers to «Louis» because they had Chevy engines...

JeanJournal said...

I really enjoy your blog, Jack, because of all the cars and because it is just SO UNIQUE in many ways. S0 glad Sherry is 'on the mend' and you two sweethearts bless everyone! LOVE is in the air on your blog. I'm gonna be 80 on the 15th and lost my husband 7 years ago ~~ have sweet memories of him treating me very WONDERFUL too. Blessya both! ~ Jean(Rome Georgia Girl living in Calhoun)