Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A day in Del Rio (I depend on the Internet too much.)

We spend the day sorta looking around Del Rio. I needed to find the Post Office to mail a book and we would like to find our bank. Searches on the net are impossible. After waiting for a few minutes you are either timed out or get the message: “Unable to reach the requested address’. So we decided to do it the old fashioned way, drive around and search, then ask.

It is amazing how much I have come to lean on the computer for information. Here, were either I have the wrong server or carrier, I feel lost. I run searches and get “Address you entered cannot be found”, and I yell, WHY?  Confused smile

We located the Post Office, still no one knows about the ‘Wells Fargo’ and searches have proved futile.

I am ALWAYS amazed at the ‘humongous’ springs that exist in the world. There is one here in Del Rio called San Felipe Springs. Out of a big hole in the ground flows 18.2 million gallons a day forming the San Felipe Creek. Beautiful clear water. It is the water source for the city.  We visited it the last time we were here. Within a few hundred yards it flows thru a city park and lately the river is filled with folks enjoying the cool water in this heat.

It appears to me that the folks of Hispanic descent appreciate parks and picnicking like our families used to.  They take advantage of the city parks that is for sure.

It is a pleasure to see the family having fun as a unit. Mama, dad and kids, all laughing and cutting up. A pleasure to see.

We are staying on Laughlin AFB, here near Del Rio. Sherry is hearing something that used to be very familiar to me: Reveille (@7am, used to be 6), She hears Colors (The national Anthem when the flag is lowered at 1700 or 5PM) and then at 2200 (10PM) there is Taps or Lights out. I can barely hear something is going on.

No pictures today to see if this will load without a re-re-reload.  LOL

Thanks for stopping by.

Nite Shipslog

PS: Of course I must add an automobile….


dynamaxion_1933 by Fuller1961 Gyron Show Carlandspeeder

Some air plane looking cars!



The San Felipe Springs and Creek sound beautiful. When I'm on vacation I better not get a wake up call before 9am.

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Paula said...

That cool, clear water sounds so good. I know the feeling of not being able to get online. I really have a panic attack but after a few hours I settle in and kind of like doing something else.
Day is done, gone the sun.
From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky.
All is well safely rest, God is nigh.

Jackie said...

Glad to read that the family is having fun. Precious memories, I'm sure...
Hope that you are able to connect "correctly" with the internet soon.
Yes...we all depend on it; can't remember not having it. Spoiled, we are!

shirl72 said...

I think of the song Cool, Cool,
Water when I hear about Clear Spring water.

I get upset with my computer when
it decides to do it own thing.

Stay cool and have fun on the 4th.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sorry your internet is not doing well there. Hope you all enjoy the 4th of July!

Lucy said...

Sounds like you are having a great time. Enjoy it. Especially if you are thinking of settling down. Are you all sure you don't have gypsy blood? Take care, you 2 and make it home when it comes time, safely.

Sara S. said...

Jack, being a former Wells Fargo employee, I did a search for you to see if I could find the closest bank to Del Rio... sadly there is nothing in the immediate area. The closest I could find was if you head back towards San Antonio. I don't know which way you are heading when you leave Del Rio but if you head back east a bit you will have better luck finding a Wells Fargo. Tons of locations in San Antonio, Kerrville, Ingram, Comfort, Bandera, Boerne, and Lakehills. I hope this will help you in your travels. Best of luck to ya!


Chatty Crone said...

You have very sweet friends here.

I would not know what to do with the internet anymore. Hope yours is up soon! And that you find a bank.
