On the Road Sherry gets her hair done at Wal-mart or Super –Sams or something like that. She has started treating herself to a manicure also, so today was the day.
We visited the Villages WalMart closest to us. The plan is, I will get some walking in and also pick up a few things on our ‘list’. As I walked by the Nail-fixing shop I notice a man sitting tall in one of ‘em chairs and a girl working on his feet. Ah ha, he must be treating himself to an extra today. Not many men can sit still that long.
(Better to think of how determined nature is than shop)
Armed with my little list, to the Vitamins. She has on the list “Ginger Root 550mg” That is a vitamin? Now looking thru all the vitamins is like an Easter Egg Hunt. I stopped by there 5 times and could not find it. All those Vitamins? People take them? I couldn’t even pronounce some of ‘em. also I must say some sickly looking folk hunt thru them vitamins. I hope they help.
Shampoo, I won’t write the name down because I forgot it. BUT it is just like panty hose and make up, 3,867,992 kinds. I betcha Lucy’s Joe or Paula’s John ain’t never been caught looking thru this stuff. I betcha Rick or Grover never shopped for such. Imma knowing Bill and Bro. Slim ain’t.
(Men like to do BIG things! LOL)
When I become KING, stuff is going to be named ‘SHAMPOO’, SOAP, TOOTHPASTE, ‘ats it. None of these stupid names attached. Lemme inform you. Shampoo ain’t nothing but liquid soap. I used it all my life, soap that is. All these promisses of more body, higher hair, grow more all that crap. Be like me use soap it is as good…….. wait, I ain’t a good example of that, I had loose roots and my hair turned loose. But not because of the soap mind you!
Okay, I’m walking round and round in this store and pass this man whose wife won’t let him shop, he has to sit on a bench up front whilst she shops. The 6th time past, he is really looking at me funny, and I do him the same favor, two men who have NO business in a store.
There were a couple ladies who forgot some of their clothes, in a hurry to get here. Many, many women needed to go into the beauty shop and get them to re-do their hair, they looked like they had been in a mixer. Some of the dye jobs went bad and turned out red and blue.
I checked out the jeans, there again some woman had gotten into the men’s wear design. I used to buy by the size 32x31. Now they add a suffix: ‘relaxed fit’, boot cut, regular cut, lowrider, stretch,prewashed. etc, I pass them up, I hate to try on clothes.
Stores should say outside: “Women Only”. Men got no business trying to shop, we ain’t smart enough.
Nite Shipslog
A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.
~ Tex Guinan~
1942 Chrysler, I might have put this on lately, I saved it because I never did see one of these when I was growing up, it is a beauty,
So true...and what a wonderful smile I got from reading this.
I vote for you for king!
Jack, you made my day.. Joe has sort of been in that position when I needed something personal after knee surgery. He went to the prescription counter and got a girl we both liked. I do try to do that shopping on my own, but you do have a way with words. Loved that entry.
I "almost" never send CityBoy to the store with a blank check....scary what he brings home when i do...!!
A very nice post! I love shopping in the villages when we get down that way.Jim is one of those that sit on the bench when I shop.He is sooo good,never rushes me!
I don't know how much that cabbage weighed in at but Bill grew several this summer that were between 17-20 lbs. and they were weighed WithOut the stalk and all those extra leaves. Oh, he's used just soap all his life too. He still has a part but I trim his hair pretty close so his hat fits. lol
My hubs is a lot like you - he says he needs something new - but he'll never go get it. sandie
Sounds like you learned a lot of lessons in WalMart. It is complicated even for women to shop now days with so many choices. It's almost impossible to find decent jeans. I hate those lowrider things and I see women too old to wear them wearing them.
This made me smile. You are too funny.
Enjoyed your shopping adventure today, Jack. Did you ever find the vitamin? It is amazing what people take for supplements these days. My hubby is actually the better shopper of the two of us, LOL, he enjoys it whereas I just want to get in and out of the store as quickly as possible :)
When I go shopping I look at the
shelves and think what choices
we have. I believe Ms. BB needs
a bra on the back. BB is "big butt".
You do see some funny sights at
Walmart but it is fun to shop there.
I have about decided I don't like to go shopping when I can use my computer to buy most anything I want. Ha. Grover likes the grocery part of WalMart, He needs butter, pineapple and apricot preserve, paper towel and bathroom paper. He buys it like we want be going back. I buy most of what we eat here in our town, lol. We do get what all he wants when we go. Take care, Jean
Shopping isn't as much fun as it used to be. Even with all the choices we have, it seems they never have what I'm looking for. Lots of things I liked they don't make any more. There is always something new coming out and it's never as good as what the old one was it seems. I don't go to Walmart often but it is always an experience for sure.
Jack, you made me chuckle with this one. My Don has been known to buy different hair and shower supplies for me in the past. If memory serves me right I think he even picked up a few "women's supplies" for me too. He just said that he knows that the cashier will know it's not for him as he has no hair and no "woman parts" lol! Stay sweet and I hope you and Sherry have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
hee hee...
We won't make any Walmart jokes....we get enough of them in the Friday Funnies... :-)
One big reason you don't remember seeing that Mopar "woodie" is because they didn't build very many of them!
Haha, this was a good'n. My cousin Larry's wife posted a picture of him on Facebook getting a pedicure...ha. He really liked those massage chairs. Rick has his way of shopping and I have mine...we'll leave it at that...ha. Take care, Sheila
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