Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Why would someone want to..... PS: our old house

1950s Buick Concept car, The Centurian (Not bad!)

For today:

Someone said it is easy to get old but hard to live it.

 Why would someone want to remind me of what I looked like at 17?  Probably only to make me feel terrible about how bad I look now! I would have never thought I would be bald after such a nice 'Roach' in front and a great Duck's tail to the rear? And sagging skin, NEVER!


Watch a few minutes of this. It was sent by one of Sherry's class mates with a note : Getting old is easy, living OLD is hard....

Can you imagine one of these videos of yourself. It would  probably  bring a good laugh! LOL

Nite Shipslog

Isn't it amazing what can be done with today's technology?

PS 2 ... Someone once wanted to see the home we had with the indoor pool. It is for sale  so we got to look at it again. The décor is much different, It has been dressed up a lot from when I built it.  But here it is:,0 

(I had to copy and paste this into the search line to get it to work, for some reason)


yaya said...

Loved that video! Yes, even the rich and famous get old. Except for Jane Fonda. She must put formaldehyde in her coffee! Your house you used to own is amazing. It didn't look that big from the photo but wowsers!!! It would be a fun family home with that pool. When I saw the garage I was going to ask if you left one of your cars in the garage! Ha!

Mevely317 said...

Great video compilation! I'm just miffed how men seem to grow more attractive with age and women .... (well, we don't.)
Your old home is SO cool. Love how the pool opens right off the kitchen and has that slide-out window. There had to have been LOTS of happy memories made in those waters. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Glenda said...

Just now watched the "getting old" movie, incredible and brought back a lot of memories!!! And, I Love, Love, Love the Belmont home; am guessing the kitchen appliances are newer, however, that pool is awesome as is the floor plan. You're the MAN! Love and hugs from Chobee, Glenda

Unknown said...

Wow that was an interesting video. You have shown recent pictures of yourself on your blog and in my opinion you are aging very well. You are definitely not aging as bad as Clint Eastwood or Marlon Brando, more like Sean Connery or Paul Newman. Ingrid Berman was beautiful wasn't she?

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I am just as good looking and handsome as I ever was. I am told I am a sex symbol for women who do not care.

I like your house.

God bless always.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my that pool is really nice. What great memories that must bring back to you. I don't mind seeing pictures of what I used to look like. Amazing to me is that someone I've not seen for years, still recognizes me. I don't think I look anything like i did then, but some people still recognnize me. That's amazing to me.

Sheila Y said...

I know a lot of fun was had in that house. A lot of those ladies were beautiful even in their older age. Take care, Sheila

Dar said...

Wow, Jack. You're quite the craftsman. The Belmont home is marvelous, and the pool...I'll bet a lot of great memories came flooding back for you. I loved the of me would be shocking. I don't look at all like I did back in my prime. You and Sherry, however, and my Mama, are aging so gracefully and beautifully.
loven'hugs from up in our north country where we are having an exceptionally warm fall thus far.

Lisa said...

The video was fun. I always thought Clint Eastwood was and still is handsome.
We were all young once.