Stupidity & ignorance, (plus ZULU time)
Memorable car of the day:
The 2022 Chevy Corvette a beautiful dream of many a young person who cannot afford the front tires.
That same beauty after a stupid buyer crashes it in excess of 125MPH
For today:
It is amazing
how just one STUPID decision can take a life, ruin a career and cost millions.
I am sure you read or saw the story in the news about a man named Ruggs, the
FORMER ball player.
To throw away, a
great career and a salary most of us can only dream of, 4 million$ a year, WHAT?
Now I read he is facing up to 40 years in prison. All due to complete
stupidity, 156 mph in a residential area.
It is just
too far out to even conceive. Now a young lady will never live to see life
and family because of a self-centered, rich too soon, idiot.
BUT what about HER family?
Tina Tintor was not famous, she was only a resident of Las Vegas since a baby. She loved her 3 yr old retriever. Both died because of stupidity and carefree fast wealthy ignorance.
Something less heart rending. ,,,,,,,,
Now if you
have dealt with international time, in business, governmental, or military you
may be familiar with Zulu Tme. That is
the time recorded at Longitude zero. It is called
Greenwich Mean Time or GMT exact time at ZERO is here.
It is to keep everyone involved on
the same page. When a message or letter is received from anyplace in the world the
time group may read 0300Z meaning it was sent when it was 3AM GMT. That means it was 7AM local (EST) in Belmont
NC and 2AM local in London when it was sent.
here are Four hours ahead of Zulu, Victor over in the UK is one hour behind
Zulu time. I just know everyone reading was thrilled to know about that.
have a great time! TIME and life are good, at sometimes absolutely wonderful and definitely not to be
wasted doing something stupid. BE SAFE.
Nite Shipslog
Heartbreaking. I've no words.
My father loved clocks, and loved owning them. I vaguely recall him having one sitting on the dining room floor. Each Sunday he'd tune it to a certain setting(?) where, at 12Noon, a disembodied voice would announce GMT time. (Does this sound familiar?) In turn, Daddy would go around ensure our clocks were all correct.
Nowadays, all I do is check my cell phone, trusting Verizon's right. LOL.
Yes, heartbreaking. Prayers.
Thank you about the time item. Did you know time was invented by the Romans? That is why old clocks have Roman numerals. Time was invented by a Roman Emperor known as Role the Tenth - shortened to Role X.
The Romans had letters to denote numbers - I=1,V=5,X=10 and so on. Then one day, the Emperor Claudius, received a text saying – I LV CLAVDIVS – and he didn’t know whether it was an amorous message from his girlfriend or his wife’s new telephone number.
God bless.
Enjoyed both of the comments above AND loved the Vette. the zulu portion made me think back....waaaaay back. Keeping this short, got a new keyboard and the backspace is stuck. UGH, back to walmart in the a.m. Love abd hugs from Chobee, Glenda
So sad to hear people ruining their lives with stupidity.
I am not familiar with other times. I can hardly keep up with ours.
Our actions always have consequences and we are the ones that need to make good choices so the consequences will also be good. No one else is responsible for our actions except for ourselves. I choose to be safe and keep others that way too. I had never heard of zulu time before. I'm always learning something new!
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