Saturday, November 20, 2021


  Car of the day

 This '51 Ford paint job INSPIRED so many designs, it was amazing. Until this most cars were ONE SOLID COLOR  or were called 2-toned, meaning the top was a different color from the lower half., with straight lines.

 Now for Today:

First corrections on the previous post concerning the attorney.... the incident  happened in Hampton County (vs Highland) in the low country of South Carolina.  Thanks for the correction. ;-)  Another of MY MISTAKES LOL

Now today....

There are those special human beings. Ones we cannot put our fingers on it, but they have something in their eye, heart or soul that INSPIRES. Some even seem to have a simple ego. One that doesn’t say LOOK AT ME, it says hey dude YOU CAN accomplish the task. Ever have a teacher like that? One that teaches a boy that poetry isn’t sissified, but it has meaning; that geography and history are IMPORTANT. I knew two.

Being inspired pulls something from your inner self that says, “Yes, I can do better.” OR “WOW, I know I can fix or accomplish thus and so.”

Charisma? That may be it.

Personally I respect someone who can inspire others without SAYING LOUDLY (in actions or words) LOOK WHAT I DID! There are some wonderful men and women who have felt a ‘Divine Call’ on their lives. Fortunately they also had that charismatic personality that goes with it.

Some NEVER get accolades from the world around them. You must respect the men and women like Mother Teresa. She could have lived in wealth, but her giving of herself drew others.

We have humble mega pastors who build large churches and followings. You also have the other side of the coin the person with charisma and an ego bigger than life itself who attain millions of $ from the less fortunate.

I had a brother in law that when WE talked, or HE with anyone else, you had the opinion that YOU or the other person were important, it was NEVER about him and he was VERY SUCCESSFUL.

If you ever ate at Jackson’s Cafeteria when they were alive, you would have met or seen Mr and Mrs Jackson.  They built a solid business the largest in the Gastonia area. Many evenings they went from table to table making their customers welcome.  There was something in their lives that ‘SAID’ this is sincere.

In a world where it is LOOK AT ME, I appreciate that solid person who realizes success depends on OTHERS, seldom in this world does a business man make it on his or her own.  It is a joy to see and meet someone successful who is not FULL of themselves.

Nite Shipslog



Glenda said...

Beautifully stated. Yes, in my primary career, I met both types, always the ones I connected with were the self-made wealthy ones. Most grew up in very modest circumstances, worked hard and never boasted about their possesions. I totally appreciated the guy who came to the door [back in the day that Edward Jones required 1,200 certified knocks, then come back with an investment presentation]. It was a hundred degrees and I was wearing a tweed suit with the lining cut out.
Initially he looked at my business card and said "I HATE damn brokers. And I inquired about his reasons, and he said he'd lost over $300,000 in past six months with Prudential Bache. And low and behold he said "you look like you could use a cold drink of water, took me past a magnificent swimming pool into an elegant kitchen and presented me with a crystal glass of chilled water. THEN we discussed his investments. I offered to contact our Guru in the home office in ST. Louis. Took me a long while, but finally came to the day and said "Give me those papers to sign". It was a Huge win for me. I was there when his wife called and he'd passed out at home, I followed the ambulance and when we could do no more, took his wife to dinner. From then on, he slowed down on the golfing, took his high blood pressure pill and the heart attack issues were over. That family adored me, of course, haha. He had owned an Electrical business in Dayton,Ohio and got the contract for Sloan Kettering Hospital when it was built. Said the Lady who selected his firm was one of the reasons he trusted women. People like that guy was (and I had a number of them) are what I call("old school") You and Sherry are those kind of people. Now, I'll stop with the "book" I've written. You brought back so wonderful memories, as always. Warm hugs from Chobee, Glenda

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Another wonderful post, Jack. It is a pleasure to visit here and learn.

Yes, there are people who stand head-and-shoulders above others by their kindness and humility. I have known some as you describe.

By the way, I had a two-tone car. It was very old and had holes in it due to metal fatigue. The colours were rust and transparent.

God bless.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's so good to have people around us like that. Yes, there are still wonderful people in this world that do inspire us to do better. Many unsung heroes that make our days better.

Mevely317 said...

Why Jack, you're starting to sound like Sean Dietrich. (Or, is he sounding like you?)
Yes, there are those unassuming folk who leave remarkable footprints. Personally, I've only known a couple -- but their memory still makes me want to straighted my shoulders.