Monday, June 13, 2022

Something different to fix...

 Today’s automobile:

 This could be a 1950s Plymouth. if those are fins. LOL

 Some thoughts for today:

I have fixed or attempted to fix a lot of things.  But today I tackled one I have never attempted.  I have removed a window unit from the coach had has lost its leak proof integrity.  All three sections are fogged up. 

I couldn’t sleep this morning (I usually sleep until at least 9AM), so at about 5 AM I started the job in the basement.  Sherry and Sherece had helped me when I was trying to remove it. Well I was going to do it myself, but realized it was too heavy for this OLD man. It is only about 60 pounds but the height was bad. I had it loose and was stuck. Just holding it and thinking.  I didn’t want to drop it. The girls happened to drop by aand helped me. They held it in place until I could re-secure it and do some thinking.

I finally figured it out and it was in the basement awaiting me.

I am actually enjoying myself and I think I have about two more days, that is, if I can get it back together. The job is bigger than I thought. LOL  Lots of jobs like that NOW! 

A replacement window runs about $1300 and if I get it completed I will have spent about $250.

LOL  Wish me luck…

The drivers side window is the one I m repairing. It has two fixed panes and one slider.


PS:  Could be a lot to this:

“Nothing shakes the smiling heart.” – Santosh Kalwar



Mevely317 said...

Are you sure your name's not really Clark Kent?
So glad you find pleasure in figuring out and completing these projects. Most men (and women) these days would simply ante up the big bucks.

PS - Remember when Rick called the weather "Satan in spandex"? That's the way it feels here in central Bama.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

You are very clever and courageous to attempt such jobs. I've never been good at such things. A few years back I had a choice at evening class between self-defence lessons or woodworking. Only places available. I chose woodworking. On the way home one evening I got mugged. I offered to build a shelf for the mugger. He laughed so much that I ran away.

God bless.

Susie said...

Jack, I sure wish you luck on that window. Heck of a difference in the prices. My Teddy used to say, "there's no such thing as a five minute job." Meaning it always led to more work. Blessings, be safe, xoxo, Susie

betty said...

Does seem like a big project with the window but I bet in a few days you'll be reporting that you have completed it!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's so nice you aren't afraid to take on that job. You are so handy, I'm sure you'll figure it all out. With prices today, it's nice to save money by doing it yourself. It's nice to to have those sweet helpers. With a little help we can all get by better! Take care and keep cool there. Working in the basement is a great idea!

Lisa said...

Like Nick would say “If you want it done right, do it yourself”.
You could pay the big bucks to have it replaced and it could still fog up. I think you are doing a good job.
Keep doing what you can while you can.
