Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The good Father

 Today’s automobile:

Daddy never bought a new car, but when he could, he bought a 'demonstrator', That was a car the dealers let customers drive during the year, then sold it as used at the end of the year.

 He bought a 48 Chevy Fleetline that way, I was in the 3rd grade.

 Some thoughts for today:

No earthly father is perfect.  Kids do not come with instructions. And right or wrong, there are no two kids alike.  Many siblings have what appears to have the same traits, but as they mature (?) differences show up. I was fortunate, my dad had 4 to practice on before I come along. I think he was the perfect dad, that is my opinion.

I broke his heart at least two times, but he was always there for me. He wanted me to finish school. Shirley was the only child out of the 5 that lived to maturity, to graduate High School, none had went to college. He begged me to stay in school, I quit. He reluctantly signed for me to enlist in the USMC.

On my second enlistment I got my heart right with God and thought I should become a preacher.  MY  DAD NEVER encouraged that. But when he saw I was determined he backed me.

AND THEN true to form, after pastoring 2 churches and organizing and building one (with Sherry’s help and support).

I quit, went to trade school for a few months and then enlisted in the USN. Dad had high hopes for me “Working in the Vineyard” and I broke his heart. He never climbed in my case, but loved me and his grand kids. ;-).

During that time I had become a dad, a father. I thought I was doing right.  I thought I was handling being a father the ‘right’ way, but somewhere along the line I messed up big time. I love my boys. One joined the USN, I hoped he would make a career, but that didn’t happen; but he has been successful in his own right, he was also a good single parent. The other become a successful Gen Contractor, then made some wrong decisions, he lost a lot, and he no longer renews his Contractor's License. Drugs played a big part in the down side for both.

I continually ask myself, what could I have done that would have remedied that? I remember once during a crisis; standing, looking out a window crying, saying aloud, “I can fix anything, just ask anyone! But I can’t fix my family…..”

You do not need to comment. At this time I have had a big punch in my stomach,  I just needed to unload on someone and you are handy…. I did get a call and card for Father’s day. 


Life is good and I KNOW I cannot change the past…..

 Back when I had the world by the tail!


PS:  I have to think this could happen:

¨Smile at strangers and you just might change a life.¨- Steve Maraboli


yaya said...

I know you said don't comment but I feel like I need to. It's so easy to look back and blame ourselves for the troubles or losses our families go through. I did that a few times myself. What could I have done different? Well, I think we do the best we can at the time we're in. Hindsight is always better because we now have the experience and see the outcomes of life. But my friend, it's not good to look back. (except on the good memories) People have the agency to make their own life and I know my parents weren't perfect and I'm not either but we can go forward and love our kids and hope they understand us and look at their own lives and realize they aren't perfect either. I've told my kids to do better than we did and I think they are better parents than us in some ways. You've lived a remarkable life and I hope you go on today and smile and know that the only perfect person was crucified because the world didn't think he measured up. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.

Mevely317 said...

I love and agree 100% with what YaYa's said. Matter of fact, Tom's going through a rough patch right now with daughter Nanette. His son only keeps in touch on holidays; it's heartbreaking for sure.

Indeed, there has been and will only be ONE perfect Father.
Chin up when you look at your reflection in that looking glass ... you're a good man, Jack Darnell.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Look Jack ... for what it's worth, I am praying for you and your family right now.

God bless.

betty said...

Yaya gave great advice in her comment! I think we all second guess ourselves as parents especially if we have one that strays from the nest so to speak and goes down a path we wouldn't have chosen for them. And some kids, even with "perfect" parents, still make wrong choices. No answers here, just lots of prayers!


Dar said...

All I can do is to keep the prayers coming and going for all those whose lives have touched mine and vise versa. I don't know a single soul who doesn't have their own battle scars. We take a deep breath and carry on with our Good Lord's help. He's always there. All we need do is recognize it and ask. I hope you had a delightful Father's Day for you are one of the good ones like my Bill.
loven'hugs from up north where the heat has cooled enough to finally get back in the garden. Things are popping up, producing and tasting soooo fresh picked. Tonight we had green onions and radishes. Yummmmmmmmm