Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stella Dawn McGee

View from our picture window:

First day Belmont Stella 001

Okay we are home, I guess the mainest reason is Stella.  Sherry’s newest Great Granddaughter. Facebook has been such a joy to Sherry (and me of course) her being able to see the progress of Little Stella over the past months. I know it is not like holding her, but it gives you a lot.

First day Belmont Stella 003

(Stella and her moma Sherece)

I can’t help but think how much this modern communication type means to the military away from home.  I remember awaiting mail-call for a letter, then later, awaiting a letter and a tape, reel to reel, the little 3” ones.  I cannot imagine the joy to a man & wife (plus family) to be able to know up to the minute news, and to hear or see ‘I Love and Miss you, right now’, on a screen.

First day Belmont Stella 006

(Stella is a happy baby!)

But being home has it’s good points and that is seeing all the grand kids on this coast. We have two grand sons and some greatgrands in Utah. But this is our time with the East coast bunch.

First day Belmont Stella 007

(The proud mommy!)

First day Belmont Stella 008

Shirl dropped over to welcome us, She and Sherry look on As Stella wonders who are y’all? (She will be a Southern Belle you know!)

First day Belmont Stella 009

GGrandma Sherry Holding the beauty!

First day Belmont Stella 011First day Belmont Stella 012

They allowed me to hold her a minute, she looks just lime her mama did! She will be a beauty for sure.

So we are back, got to see Mark, Luke, Shirl, Reece and Stella.  And NOW…….

Of course we are already planning trips away, it is in the blood!!!!

The Diesel was over $4 a gallon, but by driving 53-55 mph we saved 10 gals and that is $40 on the trip!

Thanks for coming this way.

Nite Shipslog


 Why do we say something is out of whack?

What is a whack?



This is actually the first Ford A model. My oldest son tried to tell my daddy that the A model was before the T, but Daddy would not hear of it, because he had driven what he had known as the T model and the A model, dad did not know about this one.


Paula said...

Stella is a doll.

shirl72 said...

Stella is such a good baby and
makes wonderful pictures.

Glad you and home and don't plan
a trip to soon. Stay awhile
you love it around here.


Anonymous said...

A whack is something you give a machine that is not working. If that doesn't work, I guess it's out of whack.

Stella is a beauty.

Lindie said...

I love the internet for no other reason to get instant pictures and news of all my relatives. Facebook keeps me in touch with some that I don't email. Skyping is a miracle as far as I am concerned. Don't know how to use it but my computer has it. When I spent Thanksgiving with my daughter's family in San Antonio area, her 2nd daughter was in Hong Kong. We got her on skype and talked to her and saw her and she saw us for several hours. So she was there even if she wasn't there!


welcome home. Enjoy your stay. Little Stella is precious as can be. A picture may be worth a thousand words... but being able to hold that bundle of joy is priceless. Take care.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You all certainly did have a very good reason to making that trip for sure. One thing about those little ones is that they grow and change so fast it's hard to keep up with them. I also love the internet for just that reason. Many of my grands are far away and it helps to see the latest pictures. I loved seeing all of your pictures! Enjoy your visit!

Helen said...

Glad that you two made it home safely. Stella is a beauty.

Sheila Y said...

Glad you made it home okay. Stella is a beauty. Hope it wasn't too chilly for you when you got here. Enjoy spending time with your family, Sheila

Anonymous said...

Ok, so at first I thought: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, but then I thought, Oh, how beautiful she is!

Chatty Crone said...

Stella is a doll baby and beautiful in pink! I want a pink one! sandie

Anonymous said...

Everything thinkable good for her future.