Thursday, April 5, 2012

You have a problem? WE can solve it!

That is the human way.  It is easy for us to solve other folks problems, but ours?  Oh, that is different. MY Problems are much more complicated than YOU, a mere mortal, can understand. Ha!

Remember the term, ‘Monday Morning Quarterback’? The guy who sat on the couch, snacking and maybe drinking a beer, who could have won that game, he cannot believe that stupid coach! (This said by a guy who earns $10-$20 an hour about a man who gets paid hundreds of thousands to make an educated call!).

It has taken me a few years, and I do slip up many times, but I have learned I cannot solve my own problems very well, why should I try to solve anyone else’s unless they specifically ask.

Parents and children, I got a kick out of my Son’s admission to me the other day. One of his sons was doing something dad did not really approve of.  He says to his son (who is out on his own), ‘Son, I know it is none of my business but…”

Grand Son, “Dad, you are right as always, it is none of your business.”  That one cut the conversation short. LOL. (I smiled!)

Now to be honest, I would never have said that to my dad, but these kids have a great relationship with their dad.  One that would be the envy of most. I enjoyed hearing the bit of information.

Do children ever grow up? I don’t know, I am sure I never did in my dad’s eyes. (Of course I never gave him much call to think I would settle down, moving from one career to another, LOL).

I have often wanted dad to see me today, or a few years ago at the peak of my construction days. I would have been so thrilled to build mom & Dad a house.  But being the baby of the family, they reached their time of death before I reached my prime in life.  I still miss them.

But back to my subject, YOU got a problem? YOU can bet someone else has the perfect answer.

I have also found that each human problem is unique, and not one answer fits all.

Thanks for coming by the log.

Nite Shipslog


Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.  (from Glenda!)


You had to be there in the 50’s to experience the emergence of the paint jobs. The standard was broke forever, Now there was decorative paint.

1954PackardPanther1955 DeSota

F12541955 Ford airlane conver1955 packard conv caribbean1955 Pontiac starchief

Tomorrow, South Cackalackie, Low Country.


betty said...

I think kids never grow up; hubby's mom always referred to him as her baby when she would introduce him to others in her final days, even though he was 58 years old! I think we are always our parents' children no matter what age we are at. I'm sure your parents would have enjoyed the house built for them!


shirl72 said...

Jack I have thought the same thing
if Dad could just see me now.
I also still miss them. We were
taught many things just by
watching the way they lived.

Glad we do have good memories.

Well I am a good problem solver of
my own but they never work out
after they are solved. LOL


Fred Alton said...

Problems are very easy to solve --when they belong to someone else! Ha. And I'm sure I will someday get old enough to be a man -- after Mama dies -- which doesn't look to be anytime soon. She's only 91 and still going strong. It's o.k. with me if she lives to be 120!!! I'm sure your Dad was proud of you more than you know. Know what I think? Parents have a hard time admitting how proud they are of their children most of the time. Could that be guilt from the times they had to scold and cajole them to do certain things and act certain ways while the kids were growing up?

Anonymous said...

The more my son grows up, the more I feel to get younger.

Please have you all a good Friday ahead.

Anonymous said...

a though provoking post! it was a great thing when cars started coming in colors other than neutral!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Wise words there in your post today. I agree with them all. Children never grow up, they are still our kids and even though they don't like or take my advice often I usually do stick my foot in my mouth and give it anyway. Hope you all are enjoying some good weather there. We have another freeze warning tonight but the days have been sunny. Still in mid 40's to low 50's.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Wise words there in your post today. I agree with them all. Children never grow up, they are still our kids and even though they don't like or take my advice often I usually do stick my foot in my mouth and give it anyway. Hope you all are enjoying some good weather there. We have another freeze warning tonight but the days have been sunny. Still in mid 40's to low 50's.


We all want to make our parents PROUD whether they have passed on or not. Somewhere they are smiling from heaven. I don't think any of us grow up. We are all kids at heart. take care. HAPPY EASTER.

Jean said...

Jack Grover and I want to thank you and Sherry for the beautiful get well card and gift. We love you guys. Grover has been doing real well with his hip he had some trouble with the Coumadin thinning his blood to thin but maybe they have it straiten out now. Take care, Jean.

Paula said...

You made me think of how John yells at the football teams and coaches on TV and he has never been either. lol

Dar said...

Kids don't ever grow up in parents eyes...I'm still Mama's lil' girl trying to make her proud. I did do something today that pleased her...I helped serve 120 people at a funeral at our church. I was glad to do it and it sure made me feel alive again.
Service to God, I call it, through the needs of others. Where in God's name have I been.
Thanks for staying kids, too.

Rose said...

Your parents surely would have been proud of your talented skills and would have loved a house built by you.

Hugs, Rose

Louis la Vache said...

Nice selection of cars here! The Packard Panther in the upper left is one of five built. The grille is an unhappy rendering of the classic Packard grille. Originally, all the Panthers were fitted with the "sore thumb" taillights that found their way onto the '54 Packard Clippers. The one you show was updated with the "cathedral" taillights used on the '55 and '56 Packards. Never intended for production, the Panthers were strictly image-building show cars aimed at showing that Packard, which had gotten stodgy, was once again on the move.

Louis la Vache said...

...for comparison, here is one of the original Panthers...