And I answered, “yeah, I am going to install a chain link fence here by your house for the dogs to run in, you can help me muddle thru it.”
I enjoy working with my family. Luke dug most of the holes for the posts and we had the posts, set and the top rails in place in an hour. Luke just finished his first year of college. He is a very clean cut looking guy and handsome. He looks a lot like me.
Me about his age, but I know the color photo makes it look different, and he is still working on the Elvis look. LOL And of course Grandpa did not graduate. If I had I would have looked more like him.
Anyway it was a productive day. We have the fence ready for the ‘fabric’ (that is what they call the roll of chain )link. All I need to do is make a fence stretcher and I have some ideas for that.
Thanks for stopping by the log.
Nite Shipslog
Grand kids are a thrill when they are 0-6yrs old, then they are a joy… 6-15. Then sometime a pain from 15-25 when we hope they grow up. And ours have.
This is Dad and Mom (a new to me picture), I have a habit of looking at the cars captured in old photos. That must be a 1946-1948 Ford in the back ground. It is not Dad’s.
Luke IS really handsome; however he looks a whole lot like Sherry to me ~ smile, eyes ~ just sayin'. What is impressive is the rest of the story, sounds like a clone of Grand-Dad Jack with that git 'er done attitude!
That's quite a project the two of you are undertaking. Good Luck getting it complete. Luke is a fine looking young man. And obviously a big help to his grandpa.
happy you had your grandson helping you...teamwork is great stuff! congratulations to him on the occasion of his graduation :)
Luke does look a lot like you, Jack. Glad you had a hand with the fence building; good worker and good companion alongside you!
How neat to have discovered a picture you hadn't seen before of your parents. Probably put you down memory lane after you saw it.
Glad to hear Luke got his PhD. (Post hole digger. ;-) )
Hope the ground there isn't as dry and hard as it is here right now.
Great photos, Jack! Love the "Rebel Without a Cause" look you adopted.
... but I have to agree with Paula. Luke seems the spitting image of his grandma!
It sounds like you enjoyed a great day ... and I'm sure your grand-dogs are most appreciative!
I have to say I can see both you and Sherry in your grandson. He is a very handsome young man. It's nice you had some help. We here had a gate put up by the driveway so my grand dogs had a place to run when they came to visit. An old wooden fence surrounds the back yard so the gate was all that was needed. It cost 600 to have our local fence company make it and install it. You are blessed to be able to do the work yourself. It's been another beautiful day here and after church, I spent most of the day outside. I have to enjoy the nice weather while we have it. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. Unlike you I wasn't doing any work, just lounging and reading.
I like to look at those old cars too. My Daddy had one that looked like the one in the picture. Nice of your grandson to offer to help.
I have to say I see Sherry's smile in your grandson. Handsome he is and seems he is a wonderful man like you!
I think that is wonderful Luke
offered to help. He is a handsome
smart young boy. Glad you are
taking care of your Grand-dogs.
You are so right, Jack, Luke is a handsome young man. I hate to bust your bubble, but he is the spitting image of Sherry! Sorry, Jack.
Well, were not bad yourself!
Yes, grandchildren are a pure joy.
Yes he is a handsome young man and sweet to help his grandpa...but I think he favors Sherry too...ha. But you already have a look alike grandson, Ben. Are you taking pictures of this project of fence building? Take care, Sheila
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