An American Truck
And now:
A little history. Sherry & I have been a team. I bounced around a lot from job to job. She supported us at times working in the mill, as I reached for the next dream.
Our first real house had payments of $203 a month. We owed $20k. We try to live debt free, debt bothers us. On one of our ‘thinking walks’ she asked the question that changed our lives, “Honey, could we build a house and get out of debt?”
Imma positive kind of guy, “Sure!” In my mind, a General Contractor was born. I studied, tested and got my license while working for other contractors.
2nd forever home she and I built ourselves, she even helped roof it..
We never had a pool but wanted one. I volunteered a few years to open and close Sherry’s sister’s pool. I
vowed never to have an outside pool. I couldn’t believe the expense of the
chemicals just to open and close. Plus trees around made cleaning a big problem
Corey and Ben in Elmer and Lennie's pool.
My surveyor, Preston called one day.
“Want a lot on S. Main Street Belmont?” My wife had always wanted
to be back in her hometown. My answer “YES!”
And so on our 3rd ‘last’ home (I have said
too many times, this is our last home) I simply took a single
level, ‘L-shaped 3BR house plan and Filled in the L to make it the footprint
mostly square.
The pool was small, a concrete 16x28, the 2 outside walls were
sliding glass doors with vertical blinds. The walls & ceiling were raw Canadian cedar with no
coating to handle the moisture. It cost
$1 a day to heat and about $4 a month for chemicals. If someone would keep that
for 15 years they could pay for the pool in saved chemical and maintenance.
Sister Shirley visited our new home while
looking at the indoor heated pool said, “Jackie I have never envied anything
you and Sherry have had, but now…….!” I knew she was joking.
By the time I welcomed Sherry to her new home I was already losing my hair. LOL
It was nice and we had many compliments. Being a builder it was fairly simple.
Nite Shipslog
PS: I mentioned the pool here years ago and someone asked about the pool. They still read,so there you have it.I would caution anyone, finding an

Front garage featured a Police & fire station with a two story playhouse for the Grands. (Son Mark's car not mine)
What a great accomplishment for you. Having a heated pool to swim in is something I only find at the ywca these days. It's great therapy for many and swimming is such good exercise. You were/are a great builder.
love that pool. i envy you. it was terrific, indeed.
That indoor pool could certainly be used year round! A great investment! Yep, I know the cost of maintaining an outdoor pool, LOL. We have an easier one to maintain since there aren't any trees around to blow in leaves, but there is that delicate work of making sure the chemicals are right; that's why we leave that part to the experts :)
You and Sherry certainly are a great team together!
I remember your Post of the House and the inside Heated Pool, Up here in Snow Country there has to be vented exhaust fans due to the Chemical staying inside and a Motel we go visit in Old Forge, NY has a nice large inside heated pool about 75 degrees but the nicest inside pool is North Syracuse at a Choice Motel, their pool is 80 degrees !!! Nice Job on the house and pool !
Nice job and three beautiful homes. I love the indoor heated pool, but if I had, had one I probably would have drawn, not a good swimmer. Take care, Jean.
I think I remembered the pool. Do you still have that house? It is wonderful - good job.
Color me, IMPRESSED! I'd no idea the indoor aquatics center was more economical than traditional outside pools. (Ya, I can sure attest to the $$$ spent each month on chemicals, etc.) Plus, with all that cedar I'm guessing it smelled marvelous!
I would love to have an indoor pool even. I would use it for exercise every morning and skinny dipping at night.haha.
From home
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