Saturday, October 30, 2021

DEBT and other things passing. Part 2.

 Memorable car of the day:

Above is Andrew Jackson's 'car'. Andy paid off the Nat'l Debt!

There is a Submarine named after President Jackson.


For today:

L  For a few years in Washington, as Chief Data Processor I ran the input/output section of the Navy (BUPERS).  I was responsible to print the USN budget to be presented to Congress. Nearly 5000 pages front and back.

That was just the Navy, can you imagine what the budget for the USA looks like? If printed it would take a truck to haul it. Of course no one reads it, that’s impossible.  SO it is broken down to totals so it can be deciphered.  WE THE PEOPLE trust our elected officials to TRY to spend our taxes and the money they borrow well.

Lemme tell you, this budget ain’t no simple thing to decipher. The decisions are made by low level personnel NOT a Congressman.  Every year I had to sit down and count the cost for running my Section and submitted it. Chiefs thru out the Navy did the same. Thru out this entire government complex, everyone does the same. It all adds up to the National Budget. My boss always cut me some, knowing everyone padded a few $ ‘just in case.’ 

Yes I am sure there are layers of ‘fluff’, but overall I think we do pretty well. Considering Military, Medical, Highway systems, Programs for the needy….., all costs. Can we do better, you bet. I think you and I and our Government should live within our income.  If we do that, many programs will be lost and or cut.  But I still think we should start living within our income.

I am trusting that our government is not like K-Mart. That level heads will prevail and this infighting between a past president and the newly elected admin will burn out. WE have one president, we are not a 3rd world country to cry and fuss when we lose. We have always shed our tears and said wait until next time. This is the greatest country in the world despite our differences. Drop the hate and use the ballot box.

WE have had deficits since the revolution war. The only time we paid off the Nat’l debt was 1835 when Andy Jackson said a Nat’l debt was immoral.(amen to that)

The only time we have not had a spending deficit was 1998-2001 under Mr. Bill Clinton. He worked well across the aisle to rein in spending. To control spending our president must work with congress and them with him.

I smile when I am told ‘THINGS’, that MY COMMON SENSE and LOGIC say: WRONG, come on, that is IMPOSSIBLE!

Socrates, one of the wisest men that lived is still right today:

Nite Shipslog

PS: Socrates also said: Whenever, therefore, people are deceived and form opinions wide of the truth, it is clear that the error has slid into their minds through the medium of certain resemblances to that truth.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Passing the present budget is causing lots of debate, but I for one want it done. At this point we cannot afford a country shutdown, because they can't agree.

Mevely317 said...

Trying to comprehend those budgets is making my teeth hurt! Praise the Lord for those willing to take on the task.

Susan Kane said...

You hit some excellent horrible lack of judgment short sighted destructive in our budget. Truth and lies are sometimes holding hands.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

In olden days they did not have computers to do the budget.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

The budget should be balanced. If only the extremely wealthy paid their fair share that would be possible. It costs money to run a country as big as America, but a few are paying for many.

Glenda said...

All I can say is this United States of America has become a scary place to be....I just ordered a stun gun. We have way too many bad druggies in this town. On that thought I'm going to hit the sack. Tee-Totally Tired. Love y'all, Glenda