Thursday, October 27, 2022

Been to court lately?

  Autos of my history:

  A car as crazy as a court room!

An example of a man with more money than he has time to spend it all.

 For FRIday:

At 16, I was in a courtroom for loud mufflers, I don’t remember pleading guilty or not. I just remember the officer talking to the judge and him saying, Guilty as charged. Pay the clerk $35. I smile now, I hear BOOM boxes in cars louder than my mufflers were.

Anyway I was in a courtroom earlier this week. A case in which I am interested was to be heard, I wanted to be there. I know nothing about court except what I have seen on TV.  HA! My eyes were opened.

I guess it is none of my business nor anyone’s’ seated in the courtroom. The judge could hardly be seen.  I could hear her voice, but seldom understood a word. There was a computer monitor in front of her, which blocked my view.  She was not facing the seating, but the wall to our left.

Inconsiderate attorneys (10-15 of them) were standing with their backs to us, behind the fence separating us from the Holy of Holies.

They were between us and the judge awaiting their case which never came up for the ones in front of us.. We sat thru about 10 cases, most less than 10 minutes and we could not hear the defendant, judge or prosecutor, only the defendant’s attorney on the mike and VERY LITTLE of that. Most were guilty, many went back to jail.

Anyway there was no decision in the case I was interested in.  Just another date set for the trial.

BUT lemme tell you I got an education. Court TV programs lie. Real life ain’t nothing like I thought. If it wasn’t so serious with people’s lives, it would be a joke.

HOWEVER before court Sherry embarrassed the life out of me.  You would have been shocked. There was a young couple standing ten feet from us, smooching.  I was beginning to think we would witness some porn, so I turned away. Then Sherry started laughing OUT LOUD. I looked over at the couple. The girl had been using a tissue between kisses. When I looked she had the tissue hanging from one of her nostrils, both hands busy on the boy, still talking. Her breath blowing the tissue. I tried to shush my girl HONESTLY to no effect. She could not stop.

Then she said to me, “YOU are the only one I have seen stick a tissue up your nose and leave it, but not publicly, in a courthouse no less. Then she laughed again. (NO respect!)  LOL

Nite Shipslog



Victor S E Moubarak said...

I served on the jury years ago. They brought in two vagrants in Court. The judge seemed to recognise one of them and asked, "Have you ever been up before me?" The vagrant replied, "I don't know your Honour. What time do you wake up?"

The Court official asked the man, "What's your address?" He replied, "No fixed abode!"

Then he asked the second vagrant, "What's your address?" He replied, "In the apartment above him!"

God bless.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thankfully the only time I had to go to court was to do jury duty. It was eye opening for sure. I don't feel like I could ever judge another person, but this case had me wanting to convict this person. Thankfully, I was excused and didn't have to serve after all but I did catch a bad case of the flue while I was there. Hope I never have to go back again.

Mevely317 said...

I've not been in a courtroom in years but was surprised by the seeming lack of ceremony. For sure, I wouldn't want to be standing in front of Judge Judy.
My father used to do that Kleenex up-the-nose thing, too, but I can't imagine a young person doing that in public. Too funny!

betty said...

When I was on a jury, I was surprised at how small the courtroom actually was. It always seemed so much bigger when shown on TV.
