Thursday, September 2, 2010

I know, I didn't take one picture!

We have visited with Carol a few minutes, and Ben took out to eat at the home of the ‘Big Ben’. I had a “BBBB” (Big Ben Buffalo Burger). It was delicious. We hope he can get Elsie this weekend!

Of course most folk work, so we are left to our own devices during the day. Today was spent in Salt Lake City at the VA. Funny thing with government agencies you cannot just ask a question and get an answer. I had to transfer my records to here, and then I was able to ask the question in another building, of course. The answer was Yes we can do it, if you can stay here for five or six weeks. Hey we would love to do that, but then we might get snow bound for the rest of the trip out west. So we said thank you, but we cannot be here.


TRIP REPORT: We have driven the MH & Van 5762 miles in 50 days.

we have stayed in nine states.


While we are getting our act together, I want to stray from our travels. I will be honest I have sorta admired Joe Arpaio, the Sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona. He does not coddle prisoners. From the reports I have read, no one wants to go back to jail after being in his jail. The prisoners wear pink shorts, some live in tents surrounded by barbed wire. He does a lot of feeding using p-nut butter and jelly sandwiches. TV is on PBS when available and no computers.

When some complained about the tents and heat, he pointed out that our service men are living in worse conditions and they have not broken the law. Now I sorta like that.

Suing Arizona over the immigrations law is not enough, the Gov’t is suing Joe’s office for discrimination. He is arresting more Spanish speaking folk than English speaking. Surprise, surprise, there is a large percentage of the folk’s there who are Hispanic. Guess what race of people are arrested the most in Washington DC?

In my opinion if you break the law and get caught, you should be prosecuted no matter your race, creed or religion.
You and I can argue all day about the rich/famous being treated different. They are. It is wrong, but it will never be changed. Money talks, I despise the saying but it is true. We have cases of the wealthy getting away with killing. We have politicians who get caught not paying taxes,oh, they forgot, so that is okay. (You forget, and see who cares).

The playing field is not level; no place in the world is the playing field level. Communism was supposed to do that, it produced an upper class that are immune. Etc. I quit. I just read that today about old Joe and I just think the Federal Gov’t has it’s hands full with the Drug and illegal problems without attacking a pretty good Sheriff.

If I upset you, forgive me, I really am enjoying our travels. Arizona is on the list. So forget it if you don’t agree, thanks for coming this way.
Nite Shipslog
What kind of musical album do convicts make?
A criminal record


shirl72 said...

I feel if a person wants to come to our Country
get proper papers and learn to speak English.
I saw Joe and his prison on TV and I applaud
him for standing for our rights. Wearing Pink


Lindie said...

I agree with you 100%

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sad but true. I guess it always was that way and continues to be so. Wow I can't believe you've gone over 5000 miles already. That is a lot of miles. Hope you enjoy your stay and see some sights while others are working.

Paula said...

I've read about that sheriff and I like him and don't even know him.

betty said...

always agree with you, Jack (well 99.9% of the time). we need more law enforcement agents like that sheriff, perhaps crime would go down because people don't want to be subjected to his way of taking care of prisoners, but I think it seems fair to me. I love the BBBB burger. I bet it was big and delicious!! enjoy Salt Lake :)


Coffeeveggie addict. said...

I t0tally agree with y0u jack it 0nly sh0ws life is never equal anywhere in the w0rld,and I like the idea putting th0se criminals 0n tents better f0r them atleast they w0uld think g0ing t0 jail is n0t nice idea at all and might change their life f0r the better.have a safe and happy travel!


~mel said...

We need more Joe's in this world! People who aren't afraid to stand up for what's right.

WOW ~ you are really racking up the mileage. Keep it safe and between the ditches.

It's so nice to be back online; but being away from the computer for a few days I did do something that I was hoping to .... I'm about half way through "Sticky". WHERE on earth did you come up with that story line ... and the names of your characters??? Is there something about Jack that we need to know more about???? I'm thinking you're a gangster in disguise. lol ... I'm LOVING IT!!!

Glenda said...

Wanted to comment on this one, I love Sheriff Joe's approach to authority in his county, then I read the comments above; I agree 100%. Maybe he is the one who will focus the spotlight on
some of the issues that are threatening to ruin our country. Take 'em on JOE!

Sheila Y said...

I like Sheriff Joe too. The roads you traveled looked very familiar to me. It's a very interesting drive, different from what we are used to where we live. Amazing how the rock is formed. We also saw Snake River Canyon (Evel Kneivel tried to jump it once) in Idaho. I took pictures, but you just can't capture on film the depth of it. Safe travels and enjoy your family visits. Can't wait to see pictures of Elsie Mae.
Take care,

Melanie said...

I'm a fan of Joe Arpaio too


Fred Alton said...

Yes, Jack, I think Arpaio is doing a great job. You already know my stand about illegal immigration too. Are you dealing with the government hospital because of your health? Here's a suggestion - if you think you need the hospital it may be worth cutting the trip short and coming back toward home. I, for one, hate being sick away from home. This is the voice of experience! ☺

Anonymous said...

An impressive "word-picture" that you do create !

Anonymous said...