Friday, October 15, 2010

REview!!!! but keep it a secret from me!

These adds were popular when the Hit Parade was showing!

Reviewing the trip: On our trip we came thru Tennessee first. Seeing A renewed acquaintance of the 1960’s Fred and Frances. We also got to see the real Jack Darnell and his brother Charles of Coker Creek. ‘Y’ who comments here, is also from Coker Creek and is jack’s Publisher. Then to Michigan to meet the beautiful Candace, a neice we knew of, but had never met. We spent a little time with Her and Johnny, her dad. Then up to the Mackinac area and the Soo Locks.

To continue:
Ah, ha. We met Mel & Slim, we met Dar & Bill. Oh and not to be forgotten we met a lot of family, but it was Mama, oh yes, a sweet lady. These hardy folks have endured and loved many Wisconsin winters. They made us feel like family.

WE spent time with that wonderful world famous Conrad Family. Springing from a Missouri Farm these wonderful folk tip the scale for great folk. Friends since we were members of the same church for a couple years then I returned as a pastor for a short period. While in Missouri Glenda drove up from Florida bringing Sherry’s favorite fruit, Mangos.

While in Missouri we met with some wonderful folk we conversed with on an internet forum. I met a man I have admired on the net who has lost over 200 pounds in the last year, he looked great. An added bonus I met John, a pastor who followed me at the pastorate in Missouri, and he introduced me to another pastor who had pastored there. We had a lot of stories and things in common. We had dinner and Glenda served us all mango.

I will come back to our family and friends in Utah and family in Las Vegas. Also our near hit with Lucy & Joe in Nebraska.

Now my age is showing, if I posted this before, just act like it is new, and keep it a secret from me.

There was a song when I was a teen ager that appeared often on hit parade. I only watched that sissy program because it preceded Wrestling. hA! We didn’t have a TV yet, so I watched it with Guy Abee at his house. The song said:

“If you see my Darling in some rendezvous ,
painting the town with a guy she once knew,
pay no attention and just let it be,
but keep it a secret from me!

(Snooky Lanson sang it on the Hit Parade, but who made it a hit?
I don't know!)

Thanks for coming this way
Nite Shipslog

The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


betty said...

I think you and Sherry had a great trip Jack! I'm sure you will be thinking about it and talking about it for many a days ahead!


~mel said...

Besides meeting you two in person ~ the next best part of your trip was that you shared it ALL with us in blog land.

Can't wait to see you again!! Love Ya!! ~mel

Monica said...

Sounds like you and Sherry had a great trip. =) I'd love such an opportunity, maybe in time?

I don't know the song you mentioned, I googled it and gave me the name of Gene Vincent. Does that ring any bells?

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It was a great trip and you certainly had a lot of fun seeing all the sights and met up with some great folks too along the way. I enjoyed every picture and description as you traveled too. Thanks so much for sharing the trip.

Fred Alton said...

"The early bird gets the worm." (But who wants worms?" "The second mouse gets the cheese." "Well, if that don't take the cake..." "He who hesitates is lost." "Look before you leap." And there are lots of other "wise" but contradictory sayings that we learn along the way. So traveling around this country is very educational!

shirl72 said...

I would not dare tell you that is has been
repeated. I did enjoy the Hit Parade and remember the song. So I will keep it a secret.
Your blogs are always interesting no matter
what you write. That is my way of keeping up with my Brother and Wife. You do good.


Lucy said...

I wish we could have met you or at least been able to do something, like having you here in our humble adobe. I just did not want to let anyone know just how cruddy I was feeling. Wish I had that chance again but who knows what the future holds. you had a great trip.

Jimmy's Journal said...

I see you and Sherry are enjoying yourself. I liked Your Hit Parade and Snooky Lanson. One of the songs that I remember was "This Old House" and I think Gizelle McKenzie sang it.

By the way, even if it is a repost and I have already read it, it would still be new to me. I make new friends every day.

I think my memory is beginning to fail me. Also, I think my memory is beginning to fail me.
