Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tonight of all nights is the best of your life, you are alive!

My absolute best car, 1955 Chevrolet. I even preferred this color.

Of course if someone offered me a Red one, I would take it!!!! hahahahahahahaha
Today's boring entry. (The cars were the spice for tonight)

With not much going on here except work, I am finding it hard to make myself quit and do a journal entry. I love work when I feel like I am accomplishing something.

So I will take this time to thank each of you for your concerns and condolences during Ruth’s sickness and death.
I mentioned I was surprised at the attendance, not that she did not deserve the recognition, but that at her age she has out lived most of her peers and family.
As I talk to folks I find our family is not that much different than many others, about the family get-togethers during a funeral.
Do you make a lot of resolutions at a funeral, Such as:
1.. I am going to make an effort to see more to the friends and family.
2.. I am going to take better care of myself, slow down and smell the roses.
3.. I am not going to try to save for the rainy day. (Now I realize it has alreadybeen here, and I made it through, so I scrub that in my mind!)
4.. I need to do something special for the kids.
Well I do not do that quite a much as I used to. In other words I have tried to quit lying to myself about some things, and I realized I have aged out of some of the promises or thoughts. Then there is #2 above, WE are trying to do that. Most folks will agree with that.

It is amazing, I look at the tools I have stored and I look at some of the other things in our ‘Trailer’, and I say most of this stuff is junk. I got mad at the snakes for not doing their job of ridding the trailer of the rats and mice, I wanted to just kill them (but I didn’t, they said they would do better). Sherry ain’t too happy to share the space with snakes, but snakes are not messy or destructive like rats and mice. (Now folks I’m not talking Rattlers and Copperheads here, just our friendly Blacksnakes.)
Anyway that is how I feel today, Thanks for stopping by, I know you could have done something else.
Nite Shipslog

PS: When someone says, “The last thing I want to do is hurt you.” Does that mean that it's still on the list.


Coffeeveggie addict. said...

Hehehe I love the quote! The last thing I want to do is hurt y0u,i c0uld do that yeah I think! About the snakes and all th0se visit0rs of y0urs I c0uld 0nly love them f0r n0t killing them but certainly n0t sharing a space with them like sherry!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That's too funny about the snakes. It really happened to my daughter and her hubby. They bragged about not having mice in their camper til they found out about the snake that had been there. It's no longer there now so we'll see about the mice. I've almost quite trying to make any more promises. It seems I'm not good at following through with any visits, I have spent what I have so there's nothing to leave the kids but my stuff and they don't want any of it. I only have social security and that's not enough income to save any thing after all is said and done so...I just try to make the most of the moments and be thankful for them. Don't work too hard. Smell the roses.

shirl72 said...

I do say let's stay in touch. I keep saying next week I will slow down. I don't think I am busy it just takes me longer to do the things I use to do.


betty said...

I'm really trying to do something about #2 on your list, Jack. With all the medical reports I type, people are getting heart attacks and strokes younger these days (did I already mention that to you, if I did, it must be a senior moment, LOL). People in their late 30s and 40s having heart attacks and strokes! Down right scary! And also I don't want to be described as an overweight (or God forbid, an obese) middle aged woman.

as long as I don't see the snakes, I am glad they are around taking care of the rodent problem :)


Fred Alton said...

One of the promises I've made at funerals was to make conscious efforts to see extended family and friends more. Don't know why - but we get busy and don't take the time to visit like we should. LoL. I have some new critter in the cabin, which is eating the styrofoam insulation in the ceiling. Maybe if I could find a snake??? ☻ Or maybe that is a snake?

Cher' Shots said...

Jack, you made some very valid points about 'funeral promises.' We all hear and make them but are guilty and don't follow through. Seems to me you are just facing facts. AND I love your P.S. quote. Good point! lol
Keep on writing, I'm reading! 'hugs from afar'

Lucy said...

I am sitting here looking at my son's graduation picture and I am wondering if I will see him again in another place. Willie Nelson said " Death is just another doorway to open" I can'tget that out of my mind.

Anonymous said...

Probably a decade since last been on a funeral. Thank you for "pushing" me back into life, which will certainly bright bright from tomorrow on. Please have a good Thursday.