Monday, December 5, 2011

You know you are getting old

When you don’t want a birthday party.

When you don’t want any gifts, because you either don’t need them or wouldn’t know how to use them. (What the heck would I do with a skate board anyway?)

When you forget what day it is and get dressed for church on Tuesday.

When you see the Salvation Army guy or gal and say, now what holiday is coming up?

You are really old when you don’t want a Christmas present, for the same reasons as the birthday.


I truly miss the excitement of Christmas though. It was always fun as a kid, whether you got anything big or not. It was just an exciting and fun time. I loved the Christmas Carols.  There was a time  kids would get together and go caroling, that was fun. Christmas is for everyone, but the excitement comes when children are involved.

One of the big things I remember about Christmas was the Sunday nearest Christmas day, most churches down south, gave out what we called treats. A paper bag containing fruit, nuts and candy. The smell of the orange or tangerine was the smell of Christmas to me. Still is.

Oh, I am not a scrooge,  but Christmas is different for a family and with friends, than folks with no family or far away from family. A minister I have met on the net, Nick Parks, who pastors a church in Ireland says, “I wouldn’t think of calling off service on Christmas day, we have so many folk who have no family, and the church is their family, so we will celebrate together.” Way to go Nick.

Christmas is still my most favorite time of the year, even though I do not feel the excitement, I know the reason for the season. And at stores and in the RV Park, I say proudly “Merry Christmas”, not Happy Holidays.

Thanks for reading my ranting from time to time.

Nite Shipslog


In ancient times strangers shook hands to show that they were unarmed (now they have to be patted down!)


Yep, another truck:


1967 International 4x4 p/u


Cher' Shots said...

And a MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and Sherry too! I agree, Christmas is exciting when little kids are in the mix. We always go down by the kids and Grand-loves for Christmas. I have to admit I miss having Christmas at my house, but it's just much easier for the two of us to travel than it is for my immediate family to come here, let alone all the gifts they would haul along. But I still really long to be the hostess with the mostess again! lol
'love & hugs from afar'
Remembering the true celebration of CHRISTmas!


By your defintion... I guess my hubby is old. He doesn't want any Christmas gifts. Says he has everything he needs. LOL Our celebrations are small, usually just the two of us because family is scattered between the East and West Coasts. It's hard to be alone for the holidays. That excitement that the children have is contagious and it really makes the day special. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I don't want a birthday party but I wouldn't turn down French perfume or a nice Cosmo on the day :-).

And it is very clear you are not a Scrooge, but I get exactly what you mean.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm proud to say Merry Christmas too. Every time someone says Happy Holidays to me I take the opportunity to say Merry Christmas. Tis the Reason for the Season after all. Glad you all are warm there in the sunny South. We've more rain today with flood warnings in many areas.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh, I forgot...wanted to say, I must not be old yet as I do have a Christmas list...

Anonymous said...

Well, than I've to be old for a couple of years already, guess I like that; eventhough I spend mostly all money I have for gifts for family, seems they like that as well ;)
And yes, Christmas did change much since I've been young.
And yes again, lottery and a bus ticket might sometimes be indeed the same. Please have you all a good Tuesday.

Fred Alton said...

Merry Christmas, Jack and Sherry! Ours will be different this year - but not too different. The kids are close and all plan to be with us for the event. I found that for the churces all over Africa Christmas is a very special time at the Church. In most cases services last most of the day. It is a spiritual celebration in the true sense of the word.

Anonymous said...


I loved to help put the fruits and nuts in the
brown paper bags for the treats. Smelling the
apples and oranges was heavenly. I guess I
am old I have everything and don't need presents.
My friends are the same way. We say Merry
Christmas and have a good time. I do like to
be taken out to dinner for my Birthday I am getting old.

I don't know how to say anything but Merry Christmas.


Paula said...

It seems less like Christmas then it ever has. I guess all the company we've had I haven't had time to do the things we usually do. Merry Christmas to you and Sherry.

Amelia said...

I enjoy seeing my son's excitement on Christmas day and also everything leading up to it.

betty said...

I'm not "old" I am just content with what I have; don't need much. I rather give to others, especially those that might not get anything. But there is that certain excitement of Christmas that children do bring and to see the holiday through their eyes. Definitely a Merry Christmas person here! So Merry Christmas Sherry and Jack!


~mel said...

I'm with you on the Merry Christmas - saying Happy Holidays just doesn't get the true reason for the season out there. Slim is rather partial to saying Ba Hum Bug a lot this time of the year. I think I'm married to The Grinch!