Monday, April 30, 2012

Another load of material.


The last order of siding, drywall (sheetrock), insulation and decking arrived today.This is the bulk of the storage shed.  Yeah we decided to go ahead and hang the drywall and insulate.  Just incase we want to move in. hahahahaha

(This picture has nothing to do with this blog entry)

New Folder (2) 013

(The boys and me in GITMO Bay Cuba, they were into moto cross racing , and won most of the time, they were both good)

My ditch is filled back in, the crawling under the main house is done, running the water and power. tomorrow I will post another picture or two.

These days have been long, but fun.

Sherry and Shirl have been walking 4 miles a day, and keeping up a pretty good pace. I tried to get around to most blogs, I B Tired, LOL.

Thanks for coming by the log.

Nite Shipslog

PS: Another church Bulletin blooper:

Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.


I did not know Mercury produced a pickup, but this is a 196? Mercury Pickup.


Paula said...

I bet you are tired. John is too. i'm tired and I didn't do that much, mostly stress. Nice looking Mercury pick-up. I used to drive a Mercury Zephr.

DD said...

Nice looking young family.

You must be tired! Sherry and Shirl too, walking four miles a day. Good for them!

Great posts, I enjoyed reading them and the pictures, thank you.

Louis la Vache said...

The Mercury pickups were offered in Canada only...the story is HERE.

Chatty Crone said...

Just get some rest - you deserve it. sandie


FOUR miles is GOOD. Glad you're enjoying the landscape around you. Good for you insulating the place thinking of the future. REST! RELAX. Take care.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sounds like all of you are busy there. At least now if it rains you can work on the inside stuff there. We had some storms last night but I'm hoping for some sunshine today. Glad Sherry is getting her walks in. It's even nicer that she has someone to walk with while you are working. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one.

shirl72 said...

Just back with doing our 4 mile walk. We do it in about an hour.

Glad you are getting the place
ready, maybe I will move in and
take oversee things while you are away. HEE HEE HEE. Oh I forgot I am taking care of your Condo. I am
happy here. Building looks good.
