These are certainly not your run of the mill vehicles.
I had heard of Truth or Consequences. I had no idea where it was and even found it hard to believe. I couldn’t see writing that long name for a return address. Then there are
Goodyear, Truth or Consequences, Yee Haw Junction, Opp, Ajo, and Chicken we have driven through.

Scratch Ankle-Al, Toad Suck-Arkansas and Catfish Paradise are places we have never been. But so many names of rivers, towns and creeks as we drive have made us smile. In South Carolina I smile EVERY TIME we cross the ‘Coosawhatchee’ Creek.
Many native American names give the English Language in me cause to wonder and smile. The use of Kill in New York always catches my attention such as Fishkill, Peekskill, Wallkill, Catskill, Spackenkill.
Don’t get me wrong, I love it however, my southern up bringing in language gets me in trouble many times as I try to pronounce many of these. Ok, y’all Yankees quit laughing at me. LOL
Oh in passing Question for you church going folk. Do you hear preachers ask the congregation to ‘repeat or say’ words as he/she delivers a message?
Visiting a new church the other day I heard a new one. The pastor was in a big way preaching on Christian fellowship he said, “As a church Y’all should be in one accord!” slight pause, “Everybody say Y’all!” I knew right then I was in a real Southern church. LOL
So all together, I know Y'all want to live in this town, “Everyone say YEE HAW!”
Say good night Gracie!
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Are there any special town names in your area?
Nite Shipslog
I tried once to comment and it didn't work out so I'm going to try again. There are consequences to everything we do and today you have made me laugh. Lots of truth in that preachers sermon. We all need to be Y'alls to each other. I use that saying often even though I live in the North. Y'All encompasses every one, not just me and you. Good one for today!
Yee Haw Junction, Been thru there many times on the way to Lake "Okeechobee" !
I doubt we will get there this winter having moved into our New "Old" House !
Hope your Thanksgiving was Great, Ours was ! Hope Sherry's little Incision is Healing !!!!! Sending Love from the North to y"all ! Gary an Anna Mae
Hey, wait a doggone minute … you drove through Goodyear and didn't call? (*smile*)
What a feel-good post this morning! Ya, I've been through Yee Haw Junction many a time; even starred in one of my dad's 8mm. movies (ca. 1953) from Truth or Consequences, N.M.
Speaking of New Mexico, I can't recall all the spots which presented challenges to our 'Yankee' visitors, but my favorite was Tesuque. (Now that I'm all grown up, I discovered the Hawaiians one-upped us!)
I have heard say amen.
And in Georgia there are over 150 streets with the word Peachtree in them!
YEE HAW. I grew up in PA....We had Blue Balls, Intercourse and Paradise all close to each other. I grew up in the CATSKILL mountains, too. lol
Names of places often fascinate me, too, and make me smile or wonder how the name came to be.
Hope you and Sherry had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have a great upcoming weekend. xo Diana
Oh, this is awesome. These towns show character of that area. One that stands out in my mind is Zzyzx, CA. Off the I-15 on the way to Las Vegas, it has a peculiar history. But then any town in the Mojave Desert tends to be that way.
Great travels.
I discovered one important thing today after reading your post..I need to get out more! I can't think of one weird or funny town or city names around here. Yep, I need to get out more like y'all!
Haven't been to many churches that had us repeat things back. But it might help to remember what was being preached! We always chuckled when we were on 1-17 driving from Prescott to Phoenix and then back again with Table Mesa Drive. Seeing how in Spanish mesa is the name for table we laughed at table table drive or mesa mesa drive :)
Sounds like my church. Our pastor is Southern right down to his boots.
From up here
We have Butternut north of us, Minuaqua east of us, south is Colby, where the cheese is made and named for, and west is Loretta-Draper, so small ya'll miss it if ya blink. Very fun post, Jack.
lovenhugs from up north where we are in the midst of another snow storm.
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