Thursday, December 5, 2019


  Early interesting Cars:

Now today:
Christmas is a season of joy and celebration. We of the Christian faith hold this season and the coming season of Spring, Easter, as sacred. Since it is Christmas we decorate. I guess Sherry has even hung a ‘wreath’ at our door at times.

BUT as I grew up wreaths meant sadness.  During my youth when someone died the body was taken to a funeral home. There the family met to choose a coffin from a few on display. At that time a mortician was embalming and dressing the body of the deceased & preparing the body for burial. A member of the funeral home staff would go to the home of the deceased and hang a dark wreath at the door signifying there had been a death in this home. Later that day the body would be brought home in the casket. It would remain over night during the wake. The next day the deceased would be taken to a church for service, then buried. That is how I knew wreaths, as a sign of death.

Singing in our churches was very important. At times Mama and daddy sang as a duet in church. The words of an ‘ancient’ song went something like this:
….There will be no crapes (wreaths) on the door knobs,
No hearses in the sky,
No graves on the hills of glory,
 For there we will never die.
I’ll pay no rent for my mansion,
My tax will never come due.
And my clothes will never be thread bare,
But fadeless and new.
The song was very ‘old timey’ tent meeting singing. Sung to listening hard working farmers and mill workers. Who prayed, hoping, dreaming and seeking a better life.

I am glad that wreaths are now a sign of life and joy. Wreaths are still sent to the graveside of loved ones, but they are also hung at many doors to signify the Birth of the Heart of our Christian nation. Like it or not, this is a nation founded on Christian beliefs. The USA accepts people of all faiths. This is Christmas, The CHRISTIAN HOLY DAY we care not if it is everyone’s belief but it is our HOLY time of remembrance; AND especially in this country, we think it should be respected.

Nite Shipslog

PS: Tomorrow I will answer a question asked a long time ago here on the blog about our ‘indoor swimming pool’.



i never had heard about the history of wreaths. very interesting. as a floral designer in my youth i made many for the holidays and they were always cheerful. thanks for the insight. very enlightening.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh yes, I agree it is good we have wreaths to hang on our doors to welcome Christmas! It's amazing how many different =tyes of wreath that they are. I once read that the symbolize life ever lasting. Going in a circle that has no end. Good thought for Christmas I'm thinking. May ask your days be Merry and Bright!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...


betty said...

I didn't know that about the wreaths being put on houses where someone had died, but that had to be comforting for the family to know others were aware of their loss. I know at Christmastime they put a wreath on all the graves at military cemeteries (and flags around Memorial Day). My mom made a lot of indoor wreaths we used for decorating this time of year.


Jean said...

You are right about the wreaths in time gone by. When I was younger, I don't remember seeing them on people’s doors I have one on each of my doors one fall one Christmas, ha. I may just keep my fall one up since its colorful and I like it.. You and Sherry take care. Jean

Mevely317 said...

I never knew that about wreaths signifying a death had occurred. 'Do recall back around the 80's, some people hired 'house-sitters' while the funeral was being held. I guess it was a thing for thieves to watch the obits, then break into a home while the occupants were at the service.

I agree, regardless of one's religion our Holy season needs to be respected!

Chatty Crone said...

I heard that before about wreathes - and the body being sent home - and the wake. Boy things have changed - now the body is gone before it gets cold.

I am glad wreathes are a beautiful sign of Christmas!

Lisa said...

Wreaths symbolizes ‘Circle of life”. Did you know that the original “Christmas” wreath used Holly. The thorns of the holly represented crown of thorns and the berries represented drops of blood.
Great post Jack. I never knew that about wreaths.
