Thursday, September 30, 2010

Arley, Alabama, never heard of it, huh?

October 25, 1905, nothing of any import happened in Arley, Alabama.
Not sure of any other date, but we will check.
We will rest here in Arley for a few days. If any bad news is received we can make it home in a day. Hidden Cove is the name of this park. It is one of our membership parks. A few years ago we bought into a membership group. There are 8 or 9 parks we can stay without paying anything other than our yearly dues. Since we live full time in the RV we get more than our money’s worth. Two to three weeks in these parks pays for the dues, the rest is actually free. It is a good deal for us.

The only draw back to these membership parks is it is a life time commitment. If you get too old to drive and use the membership you must continue to pay. You can sell the membership, but sometime finding a buyer is hard. Anyway that is one thing you cross that bridge when you come to it.
On this trip we have met some folks on Blogger. I also am active under a pen name on another forum. We have also met some of the pen names on this trip. Stringbender, in Detroit. Roughrider, John and Kari-J in Missouri. Tonight we plan to take a guy and his wife out, he is under the name of Poimen. He is a student and a minister.
Anyway, the signal here is not good. I have already lost one entry. If you don’t hear from me in a couple days, DO NOT CALL 911, We might be practicing for our next anniversary.
Take care and thanks for coming by. Now I will see if this will post.

Nite Shipslog

PS: Some people hear voices, some folk see little green men ant ehn there are some folk with no imagination.
Buses travel twice as fast when you run after it than when you get in!!!


Fred Alton said...

Arley, Alabama! Is this where I use that old phrase, "Great place to be from...far from?" Just kidding of course. I love these little "out of the way" places and could wander through many of them for days at a time - just lookin' askin' and gettin' ta know th' folks.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad you made it to a resting place and free at that. Also good you have someone there to visit. I know that will be good for you. I'll be praying there is no more bad news coming your way. Rest and enjoy a couple of days.

Woody said...

Arley Alabama must be like my home town of Edwards New York, we are getting RAIN, I don't know if I should start building an ARK and start gathering animals yet or not.
The Fire Departments are busy pumping out flooded basements, some street flooding here in Carthage, the small creeks are rising and the meadows are afloat.
Glad ya got a spot for R & R!! Take care.

Lucy said...

Glad you made it somewhere that sounds calm. You and Sherry wear me out but I sure would miss you if you were not around.

Glenda said...

Have been "traveling" with you all week and am sooooo glad you found a stop, rest and relax spot in Alabama. Pretty country and nice people, enjoy
and keep us posted!!!

Anonymous said...

Continue to think, it would be a great idea, you making a kind of different "map of the country", show casing such places where time seems to have a different pace.

Please have you all a good new month and Friday as well.

Sheila Y said...

Ok, you got me there...I haven't heard of Arley, AL, I'm going to have to look it up on the internet. Rest easy, Sheila

betty said...

I haven't heard about Arley, AL but I am glad you guys seem to be at a nice place for a few days rest. that was interesting about the memberships into those camping places, you would think if it was a valid reason that you were not traveling any more that they would allow you to drop the membership; makes me think twice about getting one, should I ever travel around the country in a motor home

enjoy your rest you two!


shirl72 said...

Glad you got your blog to post. I don't know
where Arley, AL is located. Rest for a few
days before making the journey home. I'm sure you
need the rest. We will all still be around.


Coffeeveggie addict. said...

o0oopss,y0u did it yeeehah!Because its my 100 p0st today I wish y0u m0re safety and health in y0ur j0urney! let!s celebrate life

Jen said...

It may be easier to sell with the internet. Maybe one of your readers will be inspired to take a trip of his own and want to buy it from you.

Jimmy's Journal said...

I know Alabama fairly well and Arley is one place I haven't heard of. I'll have to "Google" it.

Speaking of "Googling", remember practice makes perfect.
