Saturday, October 6, 2012

Time has passed so fast!

I heard my mama say that more than once. I heard older friends of the family say that. The human is a strange creature. The boy and girl cannot wait to grow up, time drags. You notice more and more little girls must be ‘sexy’ some not knowing what the word means yet. Somehow the growing up is accomplished and you start hearing those words in the title, and it is funny to you, but you respect the elders, so you do not laugh.

We all have the same amount of time, 24 hours in a day. It happens around 50-55 yrs that it really hits you, hey, I have slowed down. It was about then that my buddy Sonny started that old line, 'just wait ten more years and see how you feel.’ I didn’t take him seriously even then, because he worked a lot of hours, just like I did.

Now I tell Sherry, I have finally found those ten years Sonny talked about.

I don’t know about you, but I enjoyed that trip with Paula the other day on her blog, as she described their trip to church. The childhood things she remembered. When you get older, you can do that and those times become sweeter with the remembering.

We had such a great time up in Maine with our two sons. They are both early 50’s.  Sherry and I were both struck by the friendship and actions, it took us back to their childhood, when we sat around the TV on Sunday or Monday night and watched the ‘Red Skins’ play. There they were again kids enjoying sports. NICE!

Even the most sedate of seniors have great memories of times past. I never lived on a ‘Mill Hill’, but all my friends did. Visiting them you knew they were all just a big family living in separate homes.   Many were really related but mostly they were just close. Honestly, folks just walked into one another's houses, no knocking. It was like it was expected, and it was.

I am talking a lot about age lately, I have to get into character and try to understand what it is like to be old without asking Lucy! LOL Trying to put my self in the place of an OLD single guy or widower, is tough, but I can try.  hahaha!

Be patient, thanks.

Nite Shipslog


Sister Shirl is want to tell a smart mouth young person, ‘I wasn’t born this old!’ (but  they are too young to catch the meaning, like I would have been.)


This is a brand new 2012 Ford sleek and new.


This is a 1929 A Model that would say:          Enjoy it kid, I was new once and the rage of the road, if you stay around long enough, you will become a classic!



I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Being as you and Sherry have such a good life together, I don't think you could imagine the life of an old single person. It has it's plus and minuses but If I had my rathers, I'd rather not be a widow. Course the good Lord had better ideas so I am. My mom always used to tell me, if you think you feel bad now, just wait til you are my age. She lived a pretty good life till she was 83...somehow I just can't imagine being 83.Cool but sunny here today. Mowed the back yard and sat in the sun for a while...Hope your Saturday is a great one!

DD said...

Cheer up! It will be a long, long time before you will be an old widower or old single guy. Besides, Sherry may outlive you! Give up on asking Lucy, she is not there yet, either.

Take care, Jack. Go lie down and rest for a while.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this thoughtful entry.

Please have you all a good Sunday.

Chatty Crone said...

I think you are coming of age - and realizing how important the years we have left are - and that you don't plan on wasting them.

Paula said...

Thanks for the shout-out. I must be getting old as I'm rehashing my memories more and more but I don't think of myself as old.

betty said...

I'm going to be 55 this year (GASP) and I've been doing lots of thinking of 'geesh where did the years go and I've wasted a lot of time" etc; my body started telling me I was getting old after 40, LOL, I remember moaning sometimes when getting off the couch and trying to stand up and being stiff a bit after sitting for so long.

They say we are as young as we feel and act; some days are better than others :)

It is so neat you and Sherry and sons had that special time together this past summer. I know those memories will always stay with you guys :)

have a great Sunday!


Jean said...

Jack think young and you will stay young, lol.