Sunday, March 17, 2013

Eating and driving


Early in my life I liked to snack as I drove. Pork skins, potato chips, candy and a Pepsi.  Many folk snack as they drive, it helps pass the time. That is why so many rest areas have the vending machines. Of course there is some safety to eating and drinking, you do not fall asleep. I am asked a lot about our eating and driving as we travel.

Wisc to Missouri plus kirksville 017

(I love Barns too, like my fellow blogger, the Chatty one)

If we take off early (early is 9AM), Sherry will have us a cup of coffee usually left over from Breakfast. I honestly seldom eat prepared snacks anymore as I drive. If I eat it is usually fruit. We do not stop unless it is for fuel. Ahhh, and there is the rub. We  use Flying J and Pilot truck stops. They have some great Cappuccino machines. I am a sucker for a big hot cup, it is all good, but I love French Vanilla.


(This was a great sight, the cherries were delicious and room to pull the RV off, upper Michigan, I think) )

So while I am filling the tank and throwing $100 bills at the pump with a credit card, Sherry is retrieving what ever flavor is not out or broke. (Those machines are famous for breaking down). I get my feelings hurt when she brings coffee out Winking smile.  About every three months she will come out with a sweet cake, especially IF THERE IS A HOMEMADE LOOKING BROWNIE in there.


Grapes and apples are good to eat driving. Sherry has peeled oranges, tangerines and grapefruit. Noon or mid afternoon, she might find the p-nut butter jar, crackers and green tea.  But normally all day that girl eats ice. I keep telling her it is very fatteningSurprised smile! Of course most of her day is taken up in Bible reading and Prayer (due to my driving) Angry smile.

There are times she will fix sandwiches going down the road, but only if we are on a long stretch of interstate.


On long stretches with little traffic if I must make a head call, she will slip into the drivers seat and I can answer the call of nature. She is a good driver but still refuses to pull into a fuel stop or drive in town, except in an emergency (when I gotta go!).


(I call this a truck sandwich, we are pulling in as the meat)

Road to FL thanksgiving 002

(This guy had a beautiful 39/40 Ford)

One of my favorite things on the road, is looking for older cars. The next thing is reading where the trucks are from. So many bring back memories of previous destinations. They are from all states, towns and cities, many we have visited..(Sherry reads car tags)

Thanks for coming by the log, I know you could be elsewhere.

Nite Shipslog


It is not only the destination, but the trip that is exciting.



This is a 1960s Dodge I believe. I know it is a Chrysler product.


Anonymous said...

I love the line about the Bible reading & Prayer due to your driving ;-). On a boat the "facilities" are called the head as well. Peanut butter is an excellent choice regardless of where you eat it.

Jackie said...

How wonderful to see photos of Sherry driving! You go girl!!! I look at the very first photo on this blog, my heart skips a beat. It looks like home to me...sigh. I love these roads, and I feel so at home when I seen the mountains.
Sherry sounds like a girl that knows exactly how to eat healthy snacks. I wouldn't last a day with her. I love potato chips, and more potato chips. One of my New Year's resolutions was to cut down on eating them. I've done great so far. I haven't had a single one...and that's HARD for me. I could put my head in a bag of chips and eat my way out...not kidding.
Love this the barns...and love your posts.
Overall...just love bein' here!!!

Jackie said...

"seen"...should have been "see."
I do my best proofreading after I hit send...

Lucy said...

Had to chuckle about reading the bible mostly because of your driving.
You make me feel guilty at my snacks. Potato sticks, tootsie rolls, Joe buys me pie every time he goes to the store. I tell him no more but I eat them and he gets more. So I gain and aside from his little bulge he does not gain a pound.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I always eat when I'm traveling. More often than not it's not healthy eating though. I love crunchy stuff so maybe peanuts do count. I guess you all are looking forward to nice weather and traveling. It's still very much winter here.

betty said...

Too cute with the comment about Sherry's day spent on Bible reading and praying regarding your driving; I'm sure you both are great drivers! I do admire Sherry, like I've said before, with her getting behind the wheel of a vehicle that size. I can see why she would prefer the open road while driving it.

Good eating while you are on the road. I think it would be easy for me in such a situation to grab a bag of M&M's or other such candy, so your way is much more healthier indeed!


Jean said...

When we use to travel I made sandwiches, and took drinks in a cooler we ate while traveling. Grover didn't believe in stopping to eat. Lol. You and Sherry have it made while on the road taking your home with you. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Feels like a universe of its own driving through the world.

Always a safe road ahead and a good new week for you all.

Mevely317 said...

Sherry is my hero!!! She drives that big-old coach with poise AND eats p.b. out-a the jar like me! (I like mine extra-crunchy and chilled.)

These days we don't have occasion to munch behind the wheel -- which is probably a GOOD thing, since naps have become a necesssity after anything (delicious) is consumed.

Stay safe out there and have fun!


I love to snack on pretzels myself. But my hubby is content with a jar of peanut butter like your wife Sherry.

shirl72 said...

I snack and eat while I am home.
I try to eat healthy, but I love
snacks. I know you have fun on the
road eating or not. On the Road

Chatty Crone said...

I might be like Sherry and a little weary of driving that big RV!!!

And I love Vanilla Cappuccino.

Be careful driving!
