Saturday, March 9, 2013

Exercise on the Road

They tell me exercise is very important if you plan to live forever healthy, so I am trying.  We walk most days for an hour, not sure if that is considered strenuous  exercise or not.

Every evening I am trying to do a few Yoga stretches to keep from being too stiff. I think it is limbering me up some. For once in my life I am trying to go at it very slowly.

Can you touch your toes? Come on now, I mean without pulling them  up in the seat with you!’


I have never been able to just stand up, stiff legged and touch my toes. I must exercise regularly to be able to do that. Sherry can stand flat footed and after awhile put her palms on the floor. But unless I have a daily regiment of exercises I cannot touch my toes, that has always aggravated me.


(I could never do this! but I think I will work on it)

I am a little afraid to try running anymore, not sure of my balance at 74, but I want to.

What once was

(This is no secret, since I have gotten older, the above is what I see in an elderly person, WE only know what we once were, I do not blame the youth for not seeing it, this insight ONLY comes with age.)

I cannot make up my mind if deep knee bends are good for me or not.  Seems to be placing a lot of work on the knees.

Years ago I really messed up my right shoulder rotator cuff. That is very important to a R/handed carpenter, lately I have been using an exercise I saw on the net and it seems to be working, who knows I might need to build another house.(LOL)

Exercise today

So exercise and smile, stick with me and live forever, I mean healthy, who knows we may run into each other in a home of the aged.

We can start a NASCAR scooter racing circuit!

I read the other day, “the folk who are never sick are going to feel mighty silly, laying in a hospital dying of nothing.”  Sorry to repeat, if I read it on your blog.

Nite Shipslog


Life is never what you expect, sometimes it is actually better.


ED BRN 30s hudson

Imma thinking Hudson, only what I can make out on the hubcap But I love it.


Jackie said...

Love the photos you use as you write; you always seem to find just the perfect ones.
And...knowing that you are a right-handed carpenter makes me smile. My hubby and Daddy are too!!
Touching one's toes without bending one's knees? Hmmm. Why? Knees were meant to bend. I say: bend 'em!
Sending you and Sherry hugs and great big smiles. Have a beautiful weekend, my friend.

Jean said...

Great post Jack, while I was going twice a week for therapy after my hip surgery. I swore that I would keep going to the gym. I think if I had paid the $75.00 they charged, I would have kept going. I decided to wait until I started it to pay, and I haven't gone yet. I know it would make me feel better to go. The only time I’ve thought much about getting OLD was when I broke my hip and had to depend on someone else to help me. I was feeling OLD. I'm feeling younger now, haha.Take care. Jean

Paula said...

Wow! Sherry can do that? I can just barely touch my toes and it stretches my legs until they hurt. Buuut I have to brag a little--my massage therapist says I can turn over fast on the table for my age. Oh and she says my feet are not dry and flaky like some older people. Hee hee thats because I have been putting hand lotion on my feet before I got to bed since I was very young because I can't stand gritty feet. You did want to know all this, right?

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I did like that cartoon. Just call me crispy. It's a warmer sunny day for us today. So nice to see the sunshine!

Rose said...

Medicare pays for "Silver Sneakers" which is a program most gyms have for Seniors. I belong to one and love it.

I can bend down and touch my toes but not flat palmed down with my hands like I used to be able to do years ago. Kudos to Sherry.

Exercise is good for everyone and your walks certainly count alot.

You both are in great shape and look healthy to me.

Hugs to my favorite couple!

Anonymous said...

No I can't, never could. Admit, that I do nearly no exercise at all, apart from walking a couple of miles every day.
And sometimes am glad if there's a free seat in the bus or train ;) Please have you all a good Sunday.

shirl72 said...

I don't know where I have been. Miss your blogs. I guess getting use to growing older, and it AIN'T no fun. I can barely touch my toes. I guess the big day is tomorrow. Going to Corneluios
for a Birthday Dinner. You right
behind me Brother.


OMG. LOVE THAT CAR. Walking is great exercise. I can put my palms on the floor. So at my age that is good right?

Mevely317 said...

Good stuff here, Jack!
(Yes, before commenting, I had to try and touch my toes. The knees are another story ... sigh.)
Laughed out-loud at that kitty 'toon ... My own joints having been (impolitely) cracking for years.

Chatty Crone said...

Okay I loved all the cute pictures today I loved them - especially the older woman and her shadow. sandie

Louis la Vache said...

Jack, you are quite right that the car is a Hudson.
'tis a '34.

betty said...

I think the saying is "use it or lose it" so it is good you are using your muscles. I think even with arthritis they say it is good for people to stay as active as they can so it is great you and Sherry do the walking and stretching that you guys do. I think when I was very young I could touch my toes, I don't think I could these days :)


Sheila Y said...

I can touch my palms to the long as I'm on my knees when I do it... There is a way to do squats that is better for your knees, you pooch your rear out a little further, kind of like you're trying to sit in a chair. I can do them that way but it's a little harder to describe. Might find something on the internet that shows how to do it. Hope you are warmer down your way, Sheila

Cher' Shots said...

Every morning after arising, I go through anywhere from a half hour to an hour of the achy breaky pain. Once I do a few stretches and work the kinks out, the day gets easier. But getting going is a chore! And YES, I still can touch the floor with my fingertips, then palms - most people say it's because I'm so short. lol
'love & hugs from afar'