(From ‘The Oaks’ at Point South, SC.)
I started this blog to keep the family informed as to where we were. Over the years I have started dropping the location. Now I am getting some complaints, “We don’t know where you are?”
“That is the point,” I answer jokingly. So I am going to try to remember to note the location. I don’t think the bill collectors read my blog, ‘DO YOU?’
The Oaks doesn’t tell you much, so we are a couple miles south of Yemassee, SC and 5 miles north of Coosawhatchie, SC. Now you know exactly where we are, huh?
For better land marks, we are about 20 miles from Beaufort, SC & Parris Island. We are 33 miles north of the GA/SC line and about the same from Savannah, GA.
Just before we get here and I see the name Coosawhatchie, I think of the Withlacoochee river in Florida. The names make me smile.
Ever hear of Screaming Woman Creek, Yelling Woman Creek or Hollering woman Creek? I think they are the same and are in Texas. I know in West Virginia there is a Strange Creek. Near Wachula there is a Worrying Creek.
(Not an odd name but an neatly odd place. Hundreds of concrete figures made from concrete, broken bottles, and other stuff the artist picked up off the roads, near Park Fall, WI)
That is another entertaining thing about traveling, the names you encounter. And being from the south, I can murder most names in an attempt to pronounce them..
Any strange or odd names near you?
Thanks for stopping by the log, it was nice of you.
Nite Shipslog
I hear the statement many times, “I don’t have the time.” In reality, we all have the same amount of time, 24 hours a day. Admittedly, some manage it better. (In school, business or church, if you need a volunteer find a busy person and you will get the volunteer work done.)
Strange names and strange cars. The Dynamaxion, in 1933 Mr Fuller invented this one. Three wheels with the single wheel at the rear steering it.
the mosaic concrete figures are wonderful
I have always found the name Hungry Mother State Park interesting, it's located in southwestern Virginia (went there once when I was a teenager) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungry_Mother_State_Park
I still think my all time favorite is: Why, Arizona :D
I started blogging for my family too, but there is little doubt most of the time as to where I am. I just like to keep in touch.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!
Just a word from the high country woman near the New River....it's suppose to snow on Wednesday...be careful cruising into Belmont..
Safe travels....
The Concrete Park you visited while up in our woods is in Phillips, WI. but I did a double take for a sec, I thought I saw you driving the horse holding a beer in your hand...don't drink and drive now, less it's a Cappachino :o)
Have you ever been to Lake Gitchegoomee? I know you have.
How about Slough Gundy, you may have passed Dead Man's Slough, Stock Farm Bridge, Potawatamie, oh, my mind is freezing~
Blessya and SafeTravelsWhereverYouAreWeLoveYa
These are indeed great names and admit, difficult to speak.
Currently very tired, wishing you all a kind new week ahead.
I crossed the Withlacoochee River twice today...once on the way to see my parents, and once on the way back home. Love these Indian names.
So glad that you and Sherry are having a grand time. Sending you both hugs....
Interesting entry. Some of the name of towns and creeks or rivers make me wonder how they got their name. I have looked a lot of the towns near here up to find out and it is always interesting.
I have never seen those towns you talked about - some cool names. And when you write where you are - you are probably driving by. lol
I do know Savannah and Beaufort.
Hope you are having a nice time.
Whoa! I wouldn't even attempt to pronounce those places ...
tho' growing up in New Mexico we'd poke fun of the tourists' attempts. For instance? Jemez Springs. (aka, "hey-ME's).
What a crazy, wonderful country in which we live!
LOVE the concrete statues. You have a cool life getting to see all parts of this country, state by state.
You have a very nice blog. I started blogging in February 2012 and have found it to be very therapeutic. It gives me a good feeling to know that I am able to make others smile and encourage them, even for a brief time. Thank you so much for sharing.
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