Tuesday, September 10, 2019

9/11 coming up!

It was Remember WAterloo...
Remember the Alamo ...
Remember the Maine...
And in my life time, Remember Pearl Harbor.....,
NOW it is remember 9/11.....
It is hard to believe that in my life time that one incident could  excel Pearl Harbor in loss of life and damage .
Pearl Harbor was an act of WAR and we and our allies settled that in 5 years.

 9/11 was an act of terror, and we are still fighting that war with no end in sight, BUT WE WILL SURVIVE! 

Never forget.  Remember it always. Our lives here in the USA changed that day.

BUT we are still free.  We still exist as the greatest nation in the world. I am proud to call the United States of America my home.

That day brought us together, not forever, but for a few short weeks and months we were united.

It is OUR country and We will survive.

Nite Shipslog



betty said...

We will remember, we will survive and we will hope and pray this never happens again on our soil. I too am proud to be an American! I will always stand for the national anthem and I will treat the flag with respect.


Chatty Crone said...

I wish they would replay those scenes every year and not worry what it does to the kids. The kids should be worried and learn how wonderful our country is and what others did to us! Now the people are getting sick from inhaling all those particles too. sandie

Susie said...

Jack, I will always remember. I stood in my living room screaming as the first tower fell, knowing it would be the same for the second. Went to NYC to see the reflecting pools, after they were built. Thank you for your service. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Lisa said...

I remember that day well. It was scary. Afterwards, I remember seeing a lot of American Flags displayed and church pew were filled.

I have been summonds for Jury duty this 9/11. fun fun.

Mevely317 said...

Practically ever minutes of that sad day is etched in my memory. I've never experienced that sort of grief for people I never knew … but to feel otherwise seems disrespectful.

yaya said...

So many historic moments in life and that day will be forever etched on my heart. The first responders who suffer to this day are always in my prayers along with the families with members who lost their lives. God bless America.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

All those days are remembered, Tragedies like those must be remembered so they don't happen again. We do have a great country and I'm proud to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Dar said...

We are so proud to be Americans., so proud of our flag, so proud of the men and women who have sacrificed their lives for our freedoms. It's Bill's 71st birthday today but we still never forget the families that suffered such a loss in all the ' Remember 'days you mentioned. Thank You Jack, always for yours and Sherry's service. It's not just the servicemen and women but your families that also have given of themselves. Praise God.
loven'hugs from up north where we are finally back up and running after a storm that took out our pc, router and cables.

Glenda said...

Beautifully stated. It reminds me that I read Pastor John Glenn's 9/11 comments, with share the post and tag you two. It's a powerful read.