Thursday, March 26, 2020

This and that

 Autos of beauty 1999 Buick

For today, (Thursday):
In the midst of the bathroom I am trying to repair a compressor Son Mark dropped off for me to play with. In the process I needed a part, so off to NAPA to get it. I smiled as I walked in, the counter was set off by 2 inch wide yellow emergency tape; having a note not to go beyond the tape to keep the 6’ separation. They would prefer you to scan your card, rather than pay in cash.

Our next door neighbor has a cute Beagle. She isn’t out a lot, but when she is out she comes to the fence to give me some beagle sugar. Heidi will lick my cheek the turn and start the beagle sniffing to see which animals have invaded HER yard. Sometimes we exchange beagle HOWLS, I am a little louder than she. She stirs up the dog just past neighbor Jim’s houses and they talk a little, howling back and forth. Then she is back inside. Believe it or not, Stormy D does not like Heidi! (LOL)
I did stew beef, rice and gravy Yesterday. My girl fried fish today, mmmm good.

I did the running yesterday and shopped. I still smile as I pass the paper products aisle. WHY was there such a run on paper?
Chicken, shrimp, mouth wash and canned peas on the list, All the meat, shrimp, fish and MOST canned veggies were GONE very little mouth wash.

Take care and be safe.
Nite Shipslog     


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I used to have beagles so I smiled at the howls...we used to can them the beagle bugle.Sounds like you found what was needed at the store. One of my sons dropped off what I needed. I have not had to go out shopping yet. DD and DS*5 have done it for me and delivered here to my house. They are my angels watching out for me. And truthfully I'm a little leery of going out.

Chatty Crone said...

We had a beagle for about a week - just couldn't do it. I am bad.
Why is everything out at the stores? I don't get it.
Dinner sounds good - yummy.

Mevely317 said...

Funny fella. How I'd have enjoyed watching you and Heidi howling at one another! That's an interesting 'safety' measure at NAPA. That yellow 'crime scene' tape is hard to miss! I was at Wal-Mart early this morning: Shelves almost all stocked, but few shoppers/employees observing social distance.

Lisa said...

Yea I hear we are on a “Stay home” order now. We are staying in at our camper on the beach. They didn’t say “which home’ and this one had a better view.
We have meals planned for a week or so at both places, so we are fine.

Stay safe

betty said...

How cute to have a beagle friend! I can see why Stormy would not take kindly to her!


Dar said...

A bulge in the trailer we use to haul sap was bulging so Bill had to replace it before syruping got under guys are always fixing something. It is so that most folks are practicing distancing. and that's good. Our shelves are emptying also. At least we still can get fresh caught fish from the kids.
My twin had beagles, some of the sweetest dogs ever, great rabbit hounds. Love how you enjoy a ' howl ' with the neighbors. lol We had lunch outside today at the faux table while tending the fire and watching the sap boil...just about maple syrup. Tomorrow it will be biscuits, venison gravy and veggies., also outside til the syrup is done. I'm still able to find paper products but there still isn't a single egg in town. Why? The shelves are still full of most canned good but we get most of ours off our own shelves or our freezer, thank God for those gifts from our gardens.
Stay safe and hugs from up north where it was a beautiful day to be outside.