Wednesday, December 8, 2021

I wish ……

 That Car:

1950 Ford also popular with customizers :


For today:

I think every human wishes (dreams); at times it is envy, but not always.

(Even if in a traffic jam, most of us have wished we had chosen another route!)

In my youth as I read comic books, I wished many times I could fly like Superman and Captain Marvel.

As a kid, our family traveled a lot. Dad picked up hitchhikers back then. Many times it made for interesting trips; learning others’ lives. I enjoyed it when dad would pick up a man in uniform.  Most of the time he was headed home on ‘liberty’, or back to the base. I started wishing I wore a uniform and could hitchhike.

Reading Pauline’s “Wanna Be Cowgirl” I was reminded of the Saturday morning cowboy movies I slipped off to see. Shows (Movies) were a sin at our church, so I did a lot of sneaking, knowing God would forgive me (OUCH).  BUT I can remember wishing there were no cars and we were back in real COWBOY times. I wished I was a cowboy!

I am smiling now thinking about my best friend in the USMC, Dallas Fletcher.  Cpl. Fletcher would hitch-hike to Pennsylvania from NC many weekends and was never late making it back for muster on Monday morning. He said he just had to go see that cute Marion. He married Marion; I married Sherry, all 4 of us are still around enjoying 65 years of marriage. Marion kept having babies until Dallas found out what was causing them. ;-).  I found out after 2. He is a slow learner. ;-0

I wished for years we could just travel. And we eventually did. WE took only 3 cruises. Then Covid hit, now that is out. BUT today as you read this we should be ON THE ROAD, a few hours from NC.

Sherry will be studying for her medical tests next Monday. Sunday she will really study, Smart a-- Buddy SAID, ‘I hope everything comes out all right as she ‘studies.’  Seems everyone makes jokes about a colonoscopy.  Buddy even suggested she have the DR. do the Endoscopy before the colonoscopy. Methinks that is probably a good idea!  Huh?

Any way we are hoping and praying all the reports will be good and she will pass with ‘flying colors.’

Speaking of wishing, Sherry WISHES this was all OVER & DONE!

 Nite Shipslog



Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying for Sherry that all will be well.

Take care. God bless you both.

Gary B Wood said...

My Honey "Studied" for her Endoscopy and Colonoscopy, With out going into a lot of detail She feels Blessed she had them done when she did as it probably saved her life ! I had my Upper and Lower GI done 7 years ago, got 3 years left and I will have them repeated at 10 ! Watching it Snow an relaxing ! Hoping you have safe travels, You both are in our Prayers, Love from up in the Cold, Snowy North, Gary and Anna Mae

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm wishing safe travels and a good results from Sherries tests. Most say it is easy and not hard at all. I've never had one. Wishing you nothing but good things to come.

Mevely317 said...

Oh Sherry, that 'studying' is the pits! But the test itself is a breeze -- some of the best sleep I enjoyed in years.

Dreams? ... As a girl I thought my life would be complete if I could live far out in the country on a horse ranch. Then in my 30's, wishes gave way to grand homes and flashy cars. Nowadays, like Garth Brooks sings, "I thank God for answered prayers."

Mevely317 said...

YIKES! That should have read, "for UNANSWERED prayers."

Glenda said...

Oh,I have to study as well! My endoscopy and colonoscopy is scheduled for 12/14 and your blog reminded me to get a list made for the drug store. It's been a couple of years, but I remember being very hungry the day before. I've recently found that if I squeeze fresh lemon juice for lemon water, it's helpful at keeping hunger pangs away. Yep, on another diet!

And, not a whole lot of good news from my opthamologist: have cataracts in both eyes, surgery in January. My sister, Irma said that are fairly uncomplicated these days. I took IrmaNee for both eye surgeries and she tolerated it well. She was mid-eighties, so I guess it'll be okay!
Enough about that. Wishing y'all safe travels and a great Christmas season with your family. Love and hugs, Glenda

Dar said...

Like Gary and AnnaMae, Bill and I are also watching the Snow come down...and it's piling up this time. That's the way it goes in our north WI tho but we Love snow for Christmas....then it can go away. lol As for the colonoscopy, we both did well and will do it again in 5 yrs. It's the prep that's the worse, but the test itself we slept thru. It's a lifesaver tho if they find anything. I'm sure Sherry will breeze right thru it. Prayers for your sweet girl. hmmmm, not so sure about the cars riding on the ground....our roads would rip the running boards right off. lol
loven'hugs from up in our snowy northern winter.