Friday, October 6, 2023

She and I

  Car of the day:

 I keep this 1955  Avon after=shave container it reminds me I borrowed a 55 chevy to drive and ask her for the first date.

So for today:

It is never easy for a kid to move into a new town and go through the same things all over again. Start school, meet new people, make friends, and learn your way around.

Sometimes it is easy, at times you get beat up if you are a boy. Of the 6 times I was moved into a new town by my family, one or two were BAD experiences.  The others worked like clockwork, friends came easily school went smooth.

Now Belmont was not bad, one fight but all in all I fit into the area of Mill Hills and was accepted into sandlot ball games, etc.

BUT Belmont was different, I was 14 or 15 and never had a girlfriend, well I did have one, Betty Carswell, but she never knew it. LOL

I met and went with Margaret, a pretty and sweet thing,for a year or so. Then on a crazy road trip with some older boys they suggested I take Sherry Harris out. She was very pretty, but an upper classman. I still remember the first time I ever saw her. Long dresses and bobby socks were popular. I was a little late for church and she was entering ahead of me, I couldn’t see much, but I knew that girl had a great figure.  LOL (I was right!)

Anyway we dated and fell in love. I joined the USMC and we were married soon afterwards.

The Yukon and Alaska, My idea...

Family, happy times....

Below pics from our nearly 2000 miles on the Appalachian Trail
The HIKE was HER idea!

Right now as I type, she is across the table from me, just as pretty as she was back in 1954. There have been some rough spots but better than 99% of the time has been GREAT. We are pretty compatible. A couple times when I was out of work she was the bread winner and never complained.  We also enjoy being close, so the RV life fits well.

I still enjoy seeing and being with her now, the girl still yanks my chain!  I never thought we would live to enjoy this many years, WE KNOW we are blessed; many people do not live for 67 years much less being married that long.

I know I have said this many times, but looking across the table, just brought it back.  Oh,  and she is still a great KISSER!

My treasure at the end of the Rainbow!  When we lived ln Lake Dora in Florida.

Nite Shipslog


PS: We always appreciate you taking the time to stop by for a visit. It makes us smile.



Victor S E Moubarak said...

What a wonderful post. Beautifully written and from the heart. Thank you Jack and Sherry for being you. An inspiration to many in these sad and difficult times. An example for today's generation to follow.

God bless you both and your family always.

Mevely317 said...

What Victor just said! I think your Love Story is one for the ages ... proof of God's love.
I'm loving that photo from Lake Dora; especially your caption.

Wishing y'all a wonderfully blessed day!

happyone said...

A lovely post!!!
Congratulations on 67 years!!! :)

Woody said...

Another great Post ! Sending down Love an Prayers, Gary an Anna Mae