Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Appalachian Trail #11

  Photo From the AT:

A Rock wall in on the trail. That normally means at one time this area was farmed because many times old farms were surrounded by rocks removed from the fields

                     So for today:

In New York at mile marker 1,412 the trail passes within .4 miles of the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center. Hikers take the Franciscan Trail and stop by for the experience and generosity of the Monks there. Hikers can camp overnight free here. At one time you could stay inside and eat with the monks. but as happens too many times the privilege was pulled.  TOO many times in life the ONE or TWO idiots ruin a good thing.

A mile or so before you see the sign for Graymoor, and just before you cross the Hudson River, you pass thru the interesting TRAILSIDE MUSUEM AND ZOO.  It is actually located in the Bear Mountain State Park there.  A nice break for the hikers also.  We thoroughly enjoyed the zoo and sites.


Bear below was in the ZOO not on the trail.

Hanover NH is another town the trail traverses.  It is here of course that you see Dartmouth College.  The Trail crosses the campus.  This university was founded in 1769.  Who would have thought that the AT would make it famous. ;-)…..  We never thought we would be IN Dartmouth College. ;-).

Part of Dartmouth campus above

AND I can personally recommend the Emergency Room at the hospital in Adams Massachusetts, ;-)  Once I got to feeling bad and because of a tick I found on myself, I thought maybe I had Lime Disease.  I saw a DR. within a few minutes.  He checked me over and said it is possible  you have Lime. I will prescribe the cure meds, take them! If you don’t have Lime, it will not hurt you, but if we wait for the results and they are positive you will suffer much more. I followed his instruction thinking to myself, that seems good common sense.

Back then your messages were on your cell. When you were out of range folks left a message, Later, on the trail, we got the message that I did NOT have Lime. 

The sights you see dsaily are breath taking. And below you see there are many places Sherry and I could hike side by side.

It is neat to peek thru the trees and see something like this.  It is akin to the feeling you get at sea when you see a ship on the horizon, you know life is there.
As you see above, much of the Appalachian Trail is just a walk in the woods.

I have experienced the ER in four states now, for me and my family. NC, GA, FL and MA,  I hope your ER experience has been much better than ours. BECAUSE of the crowds, I have waited up to an hour at the other 3 states, but MA was a breeze! I hope you have never experienced an ER!

Nite Shipslog

PS: Thank YOU ALL, for taking the time to stop by to visit. It makes us smile. You make our day better to know YOU have visited.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Ticks are pests and can make you sick. Nice you had a doctor that knew what to do. Glad you didn't have Lime disease. I had a friend who's son got it and he suffered terribly for several years. Definitely a beautiful walk in the woods!

Mevely317 said...

Oh, that white home down in the Valley is beautiful! Almost makes one want to go down and knock on the kitchen door, lol.

Unfortunately, between Tom and I, we know all about long waits in the ER. I'd love to know their rules for deciding pecking order. A couple of months ago after a couple hours and no progress, he just said, "Let's go" .... and we walked out.

happyone said...

I grew up in northern NJ many years ago and Bear Mountain was about 40 miles from my house.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What beautiful views and lovely souvenir photos. Thank you so much for sharing them with us Jack and Sherry. I love that house in the valley.

God bless.