Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Appalachian Trail #13

  Photo From the AT:


 I ran across this photo I shot of students from Dartmouth Running the trail near the university.

                    So for today:

Going thru different states you add some to your knowledge of the world.  For example I remember reading of Maple trees being tapped for the sap they contain and that becomes one of my favorite flavors, maple.  Mostly in the form of Maple Syrup.

This is how it was done at first, and still is in places.

So imagine my confusion when I saw this on the trail in Vermont, what In the world is these plastic lines about??  I learned something…


Now today they tap from tree to tree with the plastic hose and take the sap down hill using gravity to take it to a giant container.

Okay most of us unlearned people only see NY as New York City. So imagine my shock to discover more country folk in the back woods of NY than I could ever imagine.

And Not only NY, but also the beautiful farm country of Pennsylvania.  If it weren’t for the ‘funny accent’ if I had been dropped in Western PA or Rondout Valley NY, I would have thought I was in West Virginal LOL,  I say funny accent because my good friends and family who have never ventured over 200 miles from home DO NOT KNOW THEY HAVE AN ACKSENT.  I don’t, but Sherry does.  LOL



The trail went around this farmer's fields. ;-)


Nite Shipslog

PS: Thank YOU ALL, YOUR visit means a lot and  makes us smile. It makes our day better to know YOU  visited.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It is amazing to see how they get the sap from the trees now. I'd only seen it done with a bucket hanging on the tree where they had tapped it before. Some still do it that way. You learned a lot on your journey for sure!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I have a friend who is a trail runner. Not for me... I have enough trouble just walking the trails!

Susan Kane said...

So that is how they do this commercially. My brother had an old sugar maple in his yard. He gathered sap the old fashioned way. The tree fell down during a huge windstorm. You have an accent? I come from Illinois and have a bland accent.

Mevely317 said...

That sign (about the bull) made me laugh out loud. Probably true!
I've never seen maple trees being tapped, but your picture looks wonderfully whimsical. Leave it to some smartie to come up with this idea of streamlining the process. It's just not so romantic looking, ya know?

yaya said...

We have many maple trees in our area and some are tapped the old fashioned way and many have the plastic tubes. I love maple syrup and once Jack had a patient that wanted to pay in maple syrup. He gave us so much that we had to give some away or else it would have spoiled. Learning new things is the best thing about travel!

Woody said...

Maple Syrup, The best sweetener except for coffee ! Hope your doing well, I am now into my Cancer Treatments and am lame and sore ! 2 down of the first 10 on the leg bone, Hope they takcle this liver mass next ! Good Readin !!!! Keep it up ! First blog I ever read backwards ! Sending down love and care, Gary an Anna Mae

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I often wondered ... why just maple trees?

God bless.