Friday, October 13, 2023

Stubborn, ignorant or Stupid?

 Car of the day:


The above car was new when I met the subject of this entry, now a widow.

For today:

My girl says I am stubborn (She is too at times! don't tell her I said that!)

 Please don’t be upset with the subject of this entry, I am upset. A FRIEND, a grieving widow who has been pushed to the brink because of ignorance, stubbornness or maybe stupidity.

Let me say up front, WILLS are important but not always necessary, it is according to the circumstances.  If a person KNOWS they have a troubled person or trouble maker IN the line of inheritance THEY NEED A WILL!

This sweet widow, a close friend, a giving person and just a plain sweetheart, has been torn apart after the death of hubby, ‘B’. This marriage was between two people both who had lost their original mates to death.  Meaning now that two separate families were affected by the death of ‘Mr. B.’ who left 3 children on his side. 

B left a car, a house and a little cash in the bank. B stubbornly refused to face the fact he needed a Will. He had the mindset, “It will all work out!”  Believe me it does, but not without a lot of heart ache to those left.

His youngest, a daughter, is hooked on drugs and cannot seem to get clean. Jail time and rehabs, none worked. She has a son, B’s, grandson. The daughter decided to sell the house (A brick home 3BR 2 BA) to her son for $20,000. She called the widow and said, “I am selling the house to my son for $20K I will give you 10K and I will get 10K. Widow asks about her 2 brothers, “They don’t need anything, just us!” …….. Widow KNOWS this is not right!

So now the widow needed an attorney. Being the giving person she is, she signed her rights over to the two boys and now it is in the hands of attorneys to sell and make the lawful distribution. Attorneys costs, of course, will lower the inheritance.

B could have made life much easier for the wife he loved and his family, but no…….  No one needs the extra problems along with the grief of losing someone you love.

Most states will acknowledge a hand written will with witnesses or even an internet form.  Every family benefits from a will, but especially the ones involving more than one family.

This widow is so stinking sweet. We have known her most of her life. I even wrote a book using the lady as the center of it..  She just called Sherry and seems to be doing better now, but the hurt is there.

Nite Shipslog


God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet. In person and here on the net.  Thank you all for being here… and being YOU!


salemslot9 said...

Everything should go to
the surviving spouse
states have different laws
be VERY specific dividing property
example: not just the house
the house & its contents
Lawyers don’t always help
you cover all the bases
when making a will

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What a sad situation. I am praying for your friend and for all involved.

God bless, Jack and Sherry.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

The will I have was written a long time ago while my husband was still living. I should update it . I put it off because I no longer own a home, the only thing I own is my car. Thanks for the reminder that I need to get this done.

Mevely317 said...

I seriously need to stick this in front of Tom's face. Like your friend's late husband, he's of the belief nothing could go wrong. (That, or he's in denial.)

A while back I downloaded State of Alabama Advanced Directives and fleshed it out with 2-3 pages ... an amateur testament, if you will. It's not like we have much in the way of assets, but why cause any grief to those we love.

happyone said...

A sad situation indeed.
We have to make some changes our will.