Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Appalachian Trail #14 (And lost things)

  Photo From the AT:


Sherry taking 'pack on' break.
Above is one of the thousands of hill side paths of the Trail.


So for today:

I hope you have enjoyed the notes and pictures from the trail.  YAYA on her blog asked if readers have ever been so upset you could kick something? (she had lost her camera card) I smiled instead of saying a bad word, because I switched from a PC to a small laptop.  The technician assured me he could copy my files and hard drive exactly as they were. Well besides trying to get used to this keyboard and correcting all my mistakes (most made by sliding over a key to add a letter in the middle of the word)  My files are NOT EXACTLY as they were..... AND YES, I do feel like kicking something or yelling.  LOL so I will laugh (and cry)

Explanation, “You went from Windows 8 to windows 11 of course there will be some adjusting!”  LOL  Man oh man was he ever right. It has been a year and I still ain't ADJUSTED!

I have been unable to find all my hiking pictures, with ID of where they were taken.  So many times I must guess.

These were in Vermont, or was it New Hampshire! LOL


The trail passes several grave yards, showing  at one time folks lived in the woods.

Above is a fence crosser for a Farmer's fence on public lands
This is one of my favorite shots of Sherry ahead of me with another great farm  setting for a back ground.

Nite Shipslog

PS: Thank YOU ALL, YOUR visit means a lot and  makes us smile. You make our day better to know you have visited.

PS YAYA who had lost her computer card with pics found it. Or her hubby Jack did…… in the dryer (she has clean pictures)! Jacks' are handy to have around.. LOL


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my that pack looks heavy. I cannot imagine hiking those hills carrying all that. Sherry is one strong woman In more ways than one ! That's a lot to carry around.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

My computer may be good at technology but it is useless at kick-boxing. I always win.

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, that backpack is almost as big as Sherry herself! Color me, impressed!
Unfortunately, we know all about losing valuable (to us) data. 90% of Toms' photos went missing when his phone died. When we had to buy another (phone), the Verizon (NON) customer service rep only gave us a piece of paper saying how to transfer everything. I'm still cross, and one of the reasons I've chosen not to update.

PS - You're ahead of me, knowing how to operate a laptop. Those keyboards scare me!

happyone said...

That pack sure looks heavy!!
Those fence crossings are called Stiles when we hiked in England.


The backpack looks heavy tho

Feel free to take a look at my latest fashion post.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend