Thursday, October 5, 2023

Hey kids, What time is it?

 Car of the day:


In Nebraska The Bull in the car is named Howdy Doody

SHHHHH....  Victor has a nekkid woman on his blog today, onlyt look at the right foot~

BUTT for today:

I change slowly, but as time has passed I have changed.  At one time in my early life if asked the time, I would look at the sky/sun and say something like: must be about lunch time.

.. it it getting close to dark. (or jokingly dark thirty)

Then I got a watch. A quick look I knew right off the short hand reference was 3pm, then if the minute hand was closer to 30 than 15 or 45 I would say it is about Three thirty.

As time went passed I got it down to the 5 minute marks, like: it is ‘about Three twenty.’

I don’t remember ever saying: “Oh it is three twenty-three!”

But now? With all the digital displays most of us give the exact minute.  At least we haven’t gotten down to the exact second yet. LOL

I am not sure about your house, but ours rolls and a couple of the clocks are 120v Sherry does a lot of resetting, My wrist watch is set by the cell phone just as all clocks here are.  So it isn’t strange that my wrist watch is exactly with the house clocks.

There was a time if you wanted EXACT time you would set it by the radio announcer.

Time is one thing that my sweetheart & I, differ on.  I am still an ‘about’ type person, she is more EXACT.

I don’t know the name the word for my mental evaluating ability; but My problem is at times I underestimate or exaggerate if I do not know something well.

Statements about a car going by our house too fast, I might say, “that guy was flying!” or a messy yard or house, “I ain’t never seen that much trash at a house.”

My mouth at times gets me in trouble. Awhile back while cleaning a house BASEMENT. I had used my 3 boxes of soda on the odor and said, “It will take 30 pounds to finish this job.”

Son Jack Jr. heard it and while he and mom were at the Dollar Store, he bought me 30 pounds of baking soda.  True dat. (I know, I should be glad I didn’t say 80 pounds)

I used much of it, plus changed the boxes in all the refers, but if you need some and are in the Belmont area, stop by you can have some. I don’t think it goes bad ;-).  You see sometimes I open mouth and insert foot, as is said. 

WELLLL It is ABOUT NOON so I will post this mess.

Nite Shipslog


 You are not old enough TO REMEMBER, but Buffalo Bob would ask, "WHAT TIME IS IT?"

A chorus of kids would yell, "It's HOWDY DOODY TIME!"

LIKE YOU STOPPING BY,  It makes us smile


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

When I retiired l quit wearing a watch I would no longer be tied to my job so I didn't think I'd need it. I now check the time on my cell phone. Yes, I too set the house clocks by using the cell phone. Soon the time will be be changing. I hate changing all the clocks, but one thing I discover is that it is easier to move forward than one hour backward. And fall is the time we fall back an hour. Thankfully our cell phones change automatically.

happyone said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
I've seen your comments on Victor's Blog.
Enjoyed looking around your blog and I'll be back. :)

happyone said...

Forgot to say I do remember Buffalo Bob and Howdy Doody time!! :)

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Now you mention my Blog, did you know I liked to paint models in the nude? Then one of them asked me to put some clothes on.

I like to be precise with times; especially for meetings or visiting people. Why is it women take so long to get ready when we have to go out? Now I tell my wife we have to go out on Wednesday or whatever day, to give her time to get ready.

God bless, Jack and Sherry.

Mevely317 said...

I have to say, your JJ is a good listener!
Tom and I sound like you and Sherry -- he's an 'on or about-ish' type, while I'm more exact. I dunno, that just feels right.
Aside from the microwave, tv and stove we'd have no idea the correct time if it wasn't for our cell phones.

PS - Did yours go off at 1:20 yesterday afternoon with that national alert? Both ours sounded at 1:18 ... I'm gonna blame Biden. hahaha

Susan Kane said...

you arae the 4th blogsite I am venturing out. You people are tthe travelers!

Unknown said...

Don't need any baking soda, just bought a 15 lb bag at Sam's club. That should last us awhile. LOL

Lisa said...

When we sit on the beach all day in August, I can tell the time by the sun and our shadows. Once my chair is turn a certain angle (with the sun) I know when its lunch time. When people start bringing the dogs on the beach, I know its 5:00.(beach rules).

Off to work